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Off Topic Playground

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Well, I'm off tomorrow from work...in the meantime, I'm going to sleep for a few hours so I can reset sleep patterns to something approaching normal. Hopefully I can work on the novel some tomorrow, get another section up. Really tempted to just keep going with stuff with Kiiva, but I know I have a few other characters (just a few, mind) I need to write about. And then there's the campaign...need to work on that too. Too many projects. o.o

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*get's really close to Edonil and grins at him*


Haha, heya all. Just stopped by to see how things were going with you all :) Hope everyone is well and everything is grand!

*wanders off again*

So is KArn mr Pearly-whites?! ;)

...(twitch) (falls over)

That's a lot of teeth...

And different sized eyes..quite a looker!

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Already got a Mr White... but if he's not yet put it in his name then it's still available.

But you have White, Cream and Mink available to you so you get a choice :D

~Takes a look~

Nope, Webmonkey still has no custom title so feel free to be Mr White or even Mr Pearly Whites :D

And if webmonkey complains, you could always eat him...

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Or we can find something he's guilty of, like stealing the front doors of the Guild Halls that went missing last week (and absolutely had nothing to do with my showgirls ebaying a set of doors)

~whistles in a nonchalant fashion~

Yeah that was a bit of a drag..but on the bright side we got these fantastic doors off ebay for a bargain price!


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