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Just remember to try to be fluid in how you run the game. Sometimes,.. you'll have to do without that "super-cool" scene that you worked so hard on. Mostly because,.. no matter how tight you try to make the net,.. no matter how many angles you think you've covered in advance,.. your players will always,... ALWAYS,... decide to do the one thing you hadn't even considered. And for the sake of fun, and the flow of the story. You as the GM will have to roll with it. If it is a "super-cool" scene,.. just file it away for now, and bust it back out in some other game later on.

Just my two cents,...

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That's what I was thinking when I typed it :D

I'm Mr Black by the way...

Chocobo is Mister Silter

ABs is Mister Grey

Webmonkey's Mr White

Hatchet's Mr Bacon-colour

You get the idea ;)

I'm okay though ta. Sounds like you picked up that bug I had the other week though.

*taps foot irritably*

Surely I am Mister Black?

*points at name on left hand side*


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Not Mr Silver?

I meant Silver, it was a typo, lol.

ABs, if you're Mr Black it's far to obvious if the police come looking after the job, so you'll be Mr Grey ;) It can be a very dark grey if you like, just not completely black (coz that's me lol).

Curses, CMON is down for maintenance, I want to see those minis too!

Edited by LonelyPath
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G'morning folks! Hope everyone is doing well.

Hey Path, I actually came up with something approaching a plan last night... I'm really glad I hadn't sat down to write anything except the most generic points of plot to this adventure, because I took the core concept and made something much more convoluted out of it, which seems a lot more fun.

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Heya Mr Blue (Steam) and Mr Burgundy (ed).

ed, good to hear you got some things down, always good to start with a overall plot and then fill it out as you go, it means you don't get to side tracked and keep things flowing. But with my All Flesh one being open ended it sometimes does get bogged down, meaning I have to go back and rewrite sections. meanwhile other bits feel like I'm rail roading the player and those have to be changed, lol! Writing a adventure is not that easy even after ll these days :P

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That mini would make a great lilitu...though i already have two of wyrds anyway!

And the second model is nice too. Anima tactics make some sweet models..If you fancy an alternative BB shaman, have a look at Veronica (i think thats her name)..I have that mini...sweet!

I meant Silver, it was a typo, lol.

ABs, if you're Mr Black it's far to obvious if the police come looking after the job, so you'll be Mr Grey ;) It can be a very dark grey if you like, just not completely black (coz that's me lol).

Curses, CMON is down for maintenance, I want to see those minis too!

Ok, fair enough..I'm mister Ebony! They'll never put two and two together....

Hang on, I am the police!! ;)

*shows Guild badge*

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Hey Abs, how's it going? Making any progress on the next installment of the new story?

not really..its JAnuary and being an accountant its very very busy (tax returns need to be in at the end of the month). So I haven't had chance to write anything up yet, but hopefully the first week of Feb is looking good!

Its all in the brain though! Just need to get it into the written word!

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That mini would make a great lilitu...though i already have two of wyrds anyway!

And the second model is nice too. Anima tactics make some sweet models..If you fancy an alternative BB shaman, have a look at Veronica (i think thats her name)..I have that mini...sweet!

She's pretty good as well, i want to get hold of the women in the ballroom dress with the GIANT SNIPER RIFLE

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Ok, fair enough..I'm mister Ebony! They'll never put two and two together....

Hang on, I am the police!! ;)

*shows Guild badge*

Mr Ebony it is then ;)

As for being the police, they had one undercover in Reservoir Dogs too!

Chocobo, finally seen that Lilith model and I like it! I may have to get one to paint :)

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