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Oh i need a coffee....or shall we head to the rotting belle bar and have a pint of the breaches finest?

sorry, on duty..so it will have to be coffee.

Besides I think with a name like that, it may not be the type of establishment a Guild official should be setting foot in....

The Guvnor's Decree, on the other hand, on wimpole street.....fantastic little alehouse.

And they serve the most wonderful stew...ideal on a frosty morning.

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I wish I was still in bed... I took Friday off to do laundry... which I know sounds stupid, but almost all my clothes were in GA for a week after I'd left, and I needed some of them desperately for this weekend... then I went out and drank to much.... Then I con-ed all weekend... Maine has a small Con every year, and I was the Henchman running Malifaux Demos and the Tourney on Sunday.... so I was BUSY BUSY BUSY! Finally, yesterday, I slept 'til 10.... but had to work in the afternoon... so I didn't get the peace I wanted.... and now I'm back to the grind...

I enjoyed it... just wish I'd had a day to myself.

Also... I've been having really vivid dreams again... and they're SUPER weird.... *Shakes head*

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Which one, Alanna? That's why there's three quartets, a duo, and a trilogy :)

After Alanna, there's The Hand of the Goddess, The Woman Who Rides Like a Man and Lioness Rampant. After that is Wild Magic, Wolf Speaker, Emperor Mage and The Realm of the Gods (fuzzy on those last two titles...it's The Immortals set.) Then you have First Test, Page, Squire and Lady Knight in The Protector of the Small. Then there's Fell's favorites: Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen. And then you have the latest set, Terrier, Bloodhound and Mastiff. So, you've a ways to go to finish the Tortall books.

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Some book clubs do. I know the science fiction book club I'm a part of has omnibuses for Song and Immortals. Halfway through Protector, she finally got her publisher to realize young adults will read actually novels and the books get longer from then on. Mastiff, when all's said and done, is probably about equal to both A:TFA and HotG and a chunk of WWRLaM. (acronyms are because I'm on an iPod and the names are too long to write again...)

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~Bounces in on a PoGo Stick and manages to fall down Hatchet's trap door that's been left open. my girls then fish me out with a rope~

Curses, my more fun entrances always go wrong :(

Afternoon all! I finally surfaced, but then my blood sugar did decide to mess up on my last night and was having to get up most of the night to monitor it. Still, it did mean I finally finished reading Flesh Eaters :D

Book prices are starting to get on my nerves though, ordered 3 books from the USA and even with shipping they cost less than they would for me to buy the UK editions. $6.99 (£4.54) knocked down to $4.50 (£2.92) per book, or £7.99 ($12.29) knocked down to £6.70 ($10.30) a book... not much of a contest... And paperbacks in the UK are going up to £8.99 this year!

Yeah, we pay a lot for books compared to you lucky people across the Pond :P

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Huh. That puts an interesting perspective on things.

We pay less for some things like food, electronics (barring game consoles and games), CDs, etc. but you guys pay far less for tobacco products, gasoline, liqour, books, DVD/Blu-Ray, etc. I mis being over in the States and being a serious book reading, my addiction cost me lots less, lol!

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It was even worse with ebooks before the Kindle came out over here, it's still bad but getting better.

If you were lucky you could find a publisher that didn't have geographic restrictions, then you could get a book for a couple of dollars from a US site. Otherwise you'd have to pay more than you would for a hardback copy.

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I refuse to get a Kindle, heck I've been offered one for my Birthday of Xmas before now but I like actual books. Also, the screen of a Kindle makes my eyes go funny after about 5 or 10 minutes so there's not much point in getting one, lol.

I tend to get books from various places. I order original language manga direct from Japan thanks to a old business account I have that lets my bypass most of the Japanese Export Service Tax (otherwise it'd be VERY expensive to order them), English language manga comes from the USA or Canada, Hardbacks I get from the UK (shipping from abroad on them makes them to expensive compared to the UK price, plus I never pay more than 50% of retail on HB, heh), paperbacks come from wherever I can get them cheapest.

LKike last year I picked up the entire Sword of Truth series, in retail (including 5 of the book being HB) it would have cost me around £180 for the 11 books, instead thanks to ordering from the US and finding brand new HB copies on Ebay until typo'd titles I picked up the whole lot for about £80 - 90. The larger format paperbacks were £12 in the UK or about $10 from the US!

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Oh yeah and i get my books from Play, Amazon.com/ca, Waterstones, Barnes & Noble (great for bargains from time to time), Kodansha Press, Kadokawa, Morning Sunrise (unless they went bust in the new year since they were having some troubles though nothing compared to Gainax who's revinue dropped 70% with the loss of Evangelion last year), Ebay (various), Infinity & Beyond (my regular comic shop) and anywhere else I can get a bargain.

Right then, heading off again now... had a bad night due to my blood sugar messing me about and need more rest. Catch ya all again soon!

Edited by LonelyPath
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yeah i agree with the kindle remarks but for me serving on submarines for months at a time taking 20+ books just isnt practical thats when the kindle comes into its own!

i havent really looked on ebay for book (had bad experience when it has come and looked tatty...even though the description said it was imaculate...they refunded but it was just more hassle that its worth...

man i wish i could get manga without tax! lucky path!!!

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