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okay... so... the US Government has released new Sexual Education Guidelines that include a statement like "by fifth grade [age 10] students should know that sexual orientation is the romantic attraction between two people of the same gender or two people of the opposite gender".

While I'm all for teaching tolerance, acceptance, and peace... I'm not sure I want to explain to my 9/10/11 year old what sexual orientation is... especially using that definition. Then I have to explain what Romantic attraction is....

Why not teach your kids it's okay to love people, regardless of what their gender is? Why not teach them that all love is acceptable? I mean... by fifth grade I knew the mechanics of sex... and by eighth grade I understood the implications of those mechanics... and in high school I came to understand "romantic attraction". And I'm not saying I would HIDE it from my kids... just that I don't feel it appropriate to MAKE them learn it in fifth grade...

Ten years old... what are they really thinking about... cause I'm fairly certain that MOST of them aren't thinking about sex... or the opposite gender... or even the same gender... at least not romantically.

It's not that I'm against educating your kids... but when did things like tolerance become the schools' responsibility? I guess that's really what it's about.

Sorry... I just... feel like the government is overstepping here...

/end rant

So how is everyone?

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Fell i agree....does a 10 year old need to know that or should they learn stuff like geography and history etc...

Its s crazy idea and really no need for it, that is stuff they'll learn in life why don't the schools do something crazy and teach our kids academics who knows they may excelled in a job then :-)

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also... I don't own skyrim... and I'm quite proud of that :D

Me too :D

~Hands you membership pack for the very exclusive "we don't play Skyrim" club~

Also, that sex ed thing is just ludicrous, but sounds about right!

Painted my 2nd Lilitu last night, just got the Cherub to paint and that's Lilith's crew done. After that it's to finish Raspy's cohorts :D

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I think tolerance is teaching that people love each other... but by teaching sexual orientation we are almost asking for a seperation... encouraging kids to see certain orientations as "the other"....

sorry for such heavy stuff... it was in the paper... http://bangordailynews.com/2012/01/09/news/nation/new-sex-education-standards-released/

they are calling it a move against bullying in schools... *rolls eyes* don't get me started on the "b" word...

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teaching that some people are different and that's okay causes a rift in society. Teaching love, kindness, integrity, and respect is how you combat social issues like bullying (on a side note, I was bullied when I was a kid... and It made me who I am today. Was it fun? NO! but I wouldn't change it. It taught me to be proud of who and what I am, what I'm capable of, and I enjoy throwing my noconventional, be myself attitude in those people's faces... But I would argue that most of us were bullied... we're geeks ;))

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I was bullied throughout 5 years of high school (ages 11 - 15) so I can be very vocal about it. I did put a stop to it in the end, I'm not proud of how I did it, but I did stop it (I threw the lead bully off a bridge from 40' above a shallow river, he got lucky and landed in the 1 deepish part) and they never touched me again. We're cool these days and have been for a very long time, just in school things were different from peer pressure and social groups.

I may be a geek, but I didn't look one being 6' tall and build like a bulldozer leaving school (lol).

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I was a hybrid geek like some experiment gone wrong...i played sports for my school and was also in the boardgame/chess/warhammer club...so all i received was banter...i guess im a lucky one in that respect!

There are many ways a school could combat this and i really don't think that sexual orientation recognition classes is the way...

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I was a hybrid geek like some experiment gone wrong...i played sports for my school and was also in the boardgame/chess/warhammer club...so all i received was banter...i guess im a lucky one in that respect!

There are many ways a school could combat this and i really don't think that sexual orientation recognition classes is the way...

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I needed sturcture in class... when I wasn't kept busy I tended to talk and distract others... so they put me in a class that had behavioraly challanged students in it... mostly they didn't do their work, and they made fun of me because I got A's and B's and dressed in hand-me-downs (we didn't have a lot of money for new clothes when I was a kid). I finally told them to f**k off... and they did. It was torture going to school.. but it got better after that. I asked my mom for new clothes... and I hung out with the "tough" kids... especially in High School (age 13-18)

*shrugs* everything happens for a reason. We had another young person commit suicide because they were bullied here in the states... it's really sad... but it seems so weak... and I wonder where this weakness came from... 'cause it certainly wasn't like that... even when I was in HS.... Never, even on the worse day that I got picked on, did I want to hurt myself. Not once. How do you raise your kids to rise above the bad things?

I guess I should ask my mom...

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