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Sounds like a fun new topic.

I didn't get to PLAY Malifaux last night...but I played on the computer and did some exercise.

Ok, I'll join in..

I Didn't get to PLAY Malifaux last night.....but I did get to play with Lily (when i say play I mean she hits me on the head with a giraffe shaped teether)

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I'm the same Fell, I believe in just about every deity out there, or at least those that don't claim to be the only one in existence, but that still leaves me with (literally) thousands to choose from. I tend to focus on more Briton deities than others, but I'll call on whomever I need depending on the situation at hand.

Shaper, I hope they have removed the law, but was told ages ago (by that certain druid counsel) that chaneling energies at a younger age can be dangerous, though they didn't feel like they needed to explain further. It would be nice to get more info than a "you'll have to take our word for it" crap. To me it sounds like something they pulled out of their bum to cover the fact they couldn't be bothered to do anything or that they had no real reason so they said that. However, I have seen kids completely lose in circles and group rites but I'm sure you're keeping a eye on them :)

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sounds like fun :D

It is fun until about the twentieth time, or it hits you in the eye...

It doesn't help that it squeaks every time..she swings it randomly, it hits me, it squeaks, she laughs....repeat ad nauseum!

On the deity thing..I don't really believe or follow any deity...If you had to push me, I believe more in energies....positive and negative.

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I'm the same Fell, I believe in just about every deity out there, or at least those that don't claim to be the only one in existence, but that still leaves me with (literally) thousands to choose from. I tend to focus on more Briton deities than others, but I'll call on whomever I need depending on the situation at hand.

Shaper, I hope they have removed the law, but was told ages ago (by that certain druid counsel) that chaneling energies at a younger age can be dangerous, though they didn't feel like they needed to explain further. It would be nice to get more info than a "you'll have to take our word for it" crap. To me it sounds like something they pulled out of their bum to cover the fact they couldn't be bothered to do anything or that they had no real reason so they said that. However, I have seen kids completely lose in circles and group rites but I'm sure you're keeping a eye on them :)

I don't think children can help it... to one degree or another... Most children are Fae... until the succumb to the world... I think it's part of a childs ability to wrap themselves in their make-believe... That's a kind of magic.. of energy... all of it's own. I remember being able to sit in my room for hours and hours playing by myself and having trouble stopping... I had to see it through to the end. I can do other things now (like make wards and project dreams and such) but I couldn't ever recapture that magic.... I think children have their own kind of magic that is specific and safe for them to use. And it either evolves or goes away... depending on what kind of adult life they lead.

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It is fun until about the twentieth time, or it hits you in the eye...

It doesn't help that it squeaks every time..she swings it randomly, it hits me, it squeaks, she laughs....repeat ad nauseum!

That's the BEST game... and a baby's laugh is the best :D

On the deity thing..I don't really believe or follow any deity...If you had to push me, I believe more in energies....positive and negative.

Very wise, Grasshopper ;) I usually refer to the plethora of deities as "THE UNIVERSE". It's easier than calling on specific gods and less likely to get you in trouble.... :)

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I don't think children can help it... to one degree or another... Most children are Fae... until the succumb to the world... I think it's part of a childs ability to wrap themselves in their make-believe... That's a kind of magic.. of energy... all of it's own. I remember being able to sit in my room for hours and hours playing by myself and having trouble stopping... I had to see it through to the end. I can do other things now (like make wards and project dreams and such) but I couldn't ever recapture that magic.... I think children have their own kind of magic that is specific and safe for them to use. And it either evolves or goes away... depending on what kind of adult life they lead.

Strange enough, I was much like that as a kid :D

Then again, I still have all of that imagination :D

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erm... on the subject of sassing deities... I have proof I'm Fae...



I sassed Anubis... On Samhain.... :angel:

You naughty girl, he'll be scarred forever!

Then again, I always get visited by Gwyn ap Nudd on Samhain whilst I have my bonfire and Nemain on Beltaine. Nemain, despite being a river Goddess can be quite bossy.

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it's why we're gamers and readers and writers and learners... and why so many of us are Pagan... 0_0

It's in our water ;)

It is strange though how many gamers are Pagans, I know quite a few myself and just looking on this thread with how many regulars are Pagans it just adds more proof to the theory :)

Edited by LonelyPath
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speaking of Theories:

All of the Dans out there: do you have a friend named Matt?

All of the Matts out there: do you have a friend named Dan?

I had two really good friends (Matt and Dan) who were also good friends. And since then, with only a few exceptions, I have found that Most Matts have friends named Dan, and most Dans have friends named Matt....

That's my Theory anyway ;)

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LOL! I know a few Matts and a few Dans, but I have no idea if any of them know further Matts and Dans or the other ones i also know :P

Also... what did that Golem do to you for you to cheer so? and have you opened the present my Girls gave you yet? It's some new fancy guns with your name engraved on each bullet so people know who shot them :D

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