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Eh. I know someone who's about halfway toward a Chapter of Ultramarines, including the support vehicles...so your collection, while impressive, is nothing shocking...

I do have 3 complete Companies (including vehicles) in my old DA collection that's packed away. I just wanted to use all new models for the current army ;) If I listed everything it would be to much, but needless to say I have among the prides and joys over 50k points for Vampires and Tomb Kings and that includes a unreleased Nagash (with the better head which I won as a prize) and about 10 of the original zombie dragons (lol), 400+ of the original metal Chaos Warriors (I could make a fortune selling those! Not hat I ever would :P), roughly 180 GK Terminators (150ish are the original RT era that I picked up very cheap in a Mega Sale (I think it was 50p for a blister of 2 termies)), 4 complete SM chapters for Epic and that's a small part of that collection. At least 5000 points for every WFB and 40k army that's ever existed except Tau and Necrons (yes, I have the old WFB Slann as well), every model produced for Blood Bowl, Mordheim, Necromunda, Man o' War, etc. including a good many unreleased models I was gifted through a friend at GW back then.

The only person I've met who come close to my Undead collection (in size of collection for a single range) is the guy that won the "win your weight in models" competition eons ago and her went for lots of plastic and wound up with 7 complete SM chapters out of it! yeah, he weight quite a bit, but they did not weight the packaging, just the sprues. It took 2 vans to deliver the whole lot to his house, lol.

Hey, anyone remember Advanced Heroquest? 2nd best GW game of all time (the best being Space Hulk!).

Edited by LonelyPath
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Hmmm... Plasticard disc or a plate from a dolls house to put it on maybe? As for the cake, green stuff comes to mind, shouldbe pretty easy to sculpt one with that. if you#re not so great as getting things completely round, grease up the inside of a short length of copper pipe (cooking oil might do, but not tried it, lol) and stuff the green stuff into that, when it's set the grease should allow it to slide out pretty easily. Then it's a case of evening the top and bottom :)

Any of that help you mate?

What's the cake for? Are you doing a Ramos crew and having Ramos bursting out of a cake?! lol

Edited by LonelyPath
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Oooo... the cake on the tentacle would look very good, he's reaching for a slice of cake :D

Fell, there's another behind you so look out!

I was more thinking it was being summoned for a delivery, but interpretations will vary, lol. Definitely going to do it though. Just debating on a question of when...

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Oooo... the cake on the tentacle would look very good, he's reaching for a slice of cake :D

Fell, there's another behind you so look out!

*whirls, drawing her sword in the same movement, decapitating a woe; as she continues her circut, she draws her gun and shoots towards Path, narrowly missing him, and hitting a second woe that is creeping out of his shadow*

Guys! Pandora = not okay! You're gonna get us killed!

*shoots a third woe*

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~The Gothic Showgirls confer among themselves and hold up score cards, all but one of them is a 10, the last one is a 9. The Gothic Showgirl explains that both executions should have been performed simultaneously~

I guess you can't please everyone. But still, best points scored for executions this year :D

Well, I'm safe from Pandora outside the thread, she lives in her box that's not even been opened yet. I think she may have suffocated, heheh.

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