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Gooooooood Morning, i have an appointment with a recruitment agency today! So hopefully they will be able to find me a job! Fingers and toes crossed for me people, and on WEDNESDAY I GET SKYRIMMMMMMM! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Skyrim is amazing XD

Oh and Sam has officially outdone himself on the knob head scale...

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I'm still alive!

~Voice booms through the thread as I make my grand entrance being held aloft on a palanquin hoisted by a dozen Gothic Showgirls who are clad in all their finery~

Circus of Horrors was fun as always, had opticians appointment and need glasses (I look well hot in them too I might add) and apart from that it's been watching Supernatural season 6 (again) on dvd, killing zombies and lounging about doing as little as possible.

How is everyone this dark and cold Monday?

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erm... I'm cold... but the sun in shining.... and it's like 50 (F) outside... the thermometer on the wall says it's 74 in my lab... but I'm cold... Though... not as bad as usual... I recently learned that caffeine makes your body... stop heating you extremities... as part of the fight or flight thing... I'm hoping, the longer I go without, the better my temperature regualtion will be....

it's a long shot... but *shrugs*

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Gooooooood Morning, i have an appointment with a recruitment agency today! So hopefully they will be able to find me a job! Fingers and toes crossed for me people, and on WEDNESDAY I GET SKYRIMMMMMMM! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

I ALMOST got this today.. Thing that put me off was the £43 price tag. All the local shops have it for this price... £35 I'd pay.. but that just too much... I really want to play this.. I have the 100% completion on Oblivion and all addons... Grrr.. talking about it makes me want to go out and get it! :D

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