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Showgirl #66 said she'll be 'good' as long as I made rules for her

Showgirl #66

Showgirl, spirit, Nephilim, graverobber cost 7

Wk/Cg 5/6 Ht2 Wp 6 Ca 6:crows Df 4 Wd 5

Vampiric Bite

Rg :melee 1

Cb 4:masks

Dg 1/2/4

Paired claws

Rg :melee 2

Cb 5

Dg 2/3/5


Affinity [Colette, Mc mouring]

Blood Drunk: At the beginning of each turn you may discard upto three blood counters from this model, this model then loses harmless and gains terrifying 11 and may discard blood counter as if they were Soulstones at a :-fate:-fate flip. For each blood counter discarded this model gains +1Cb +1Dg and :+fate to it's vampiric bite weapon it also gain :+fate to it's soulstone flips

Selfish: friendly models can not discard blood counters from this model

Blood sense

Blood from the dead




Vampiric bite whenever you deal damage with this weapon this model gains a blood counter


(0) drain blood

(1) MORE: all models within 4" of this models make a Wp -> 12 duel or take 1 damage and this model gain one blood counter per damage dealt


Cb (:masks:crows) Stab [paired claws] after damaging the defender it then suffers another uncheatable damage flip of 1/2/3

Cb (:masks:crows) Thirst


(0) Drink Blood


(1) Surgery


(0) Rampage

(CC: 14:crows /Rst: -/Rg: -)

This models becomes a nightmare and it's charge actions cost (1) and must be against the closest non-nightmare model and can not make actions other than charge or strike actions. Target

Another friendly showgirl or Nephilim within 6" activates after this model's activation ends. That model must cast this spell at +2:crowsCa before making any other action

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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Oh, I think #66 needs a spell called Rampage.

(1) Rampage

(CC: 14:crows /Rst: 0 /Rg: 4)

Target Showgirl gets (1) Charge, the target may be #66 herself. If the strike inflicts severe damage, the model may immediately make another strike at the same model with -2 Cb.

I think it represents her losing control or influencing others with her deranged, Hellraiser inflicted madness.

Some abilities with names linked to Hellraiser might also be a nice touch :)

Edited by LonelyPath
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What you think of this

(0) Rampage

(CC: 14:crows /Rst: -/Rg: -)

This models becomes a nightmare and it's charge actions cost (1) and must be against the closest non-nightmare model and can not make actions other than charge or strike actions. Target

Another friendly showgirl or Nephilim within 6" activates after this model's activation ends. That model must cast this spell at +2:crowsCa before making any other action

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