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*steps out of a shadow created by the funky angles on the walls*


*falls on face, begins clawing her way to the Coffee Monolith*

4 Hours... just isn't... enough...

*reaches monolith, flops on to her back, can't reach the spigot*

in brighter news

*brightens, manages to twist the handle enough for coffee to trickle out of the monolith slowly*

The Gentleman in Texas who had me paint minis for him got his first batch last night, and is very excited about them... which is good...

*sticks a cup under the nozel and takes a long sip*

...he's the first person I've painted for who hadn't seen my work first... I need to take some pictures of the Ronin I'm painting...

*drinks more coffee*

...I say this every time, but I think they're some of the best work I've ever done....

*Yawns, falls asleep leaning against the monolith, coffee mug in one hand, Peacebringer in the other*

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*steps out of a shadow created by the funky angles on the walls*


*falls on face, begins clawing her way to the Coffee Monolith*

4 Hours... just isn't... enough...

*reaches monolith, flops on to her back, can't reach the spigot*

in brighter news

*brightens, manages to twist the handle enough for coffee to trickle out of the monolith slowly*

The Gentleman in Texas who had me paint minis for him got his first batch last night, and is very excited about them... which is good...

*sticks a cup under the nozel and takes a long sip*

...he's the first person I've painted for who hadn't seen my work first... I need to take some pictures of the Ronin I'm painting...

*drinks more coffee*

...I say this every time, but I think they're some of the best work I've ever done....

*Yawns, falls asleep leaning against the monolith, coffee mug in one hand, Peacebringer in the other*

*Moves the monolith so Fell falls over*

Afternoon! :D

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I am a sucker for more models and I have managed to suceed from GW's retardedness.

I have a WD subscription and with their changes it came out after it was released. Phoned up to complain about it and they gave me 12 month free sub and a £20 voucher.

Voucher never came so I phoned up to ask about it, they emailed the codes but sent 30. I loaded them onto my account but couldn't redeem them on my order. Phoned up the order any they put my order through but discounted everything instead of using the vouchers so a second seperate order went through with the vouchers.

So free 12 month sub and 60quid of toys for nothing. Thank you Games-retard, thank you XD

Well done Munkey!

However, if you could refrain from using the word "retard" in that context in my presence it would be highly appreciated. It means "something not forward" not "stupid" ;)

The Contemptor is awesome, I want a Relic Contemptor now :D In fact I think I'll go order one since I've been saving up my pennies.

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I am a sucker for more models and I have managed to suceed from GW's retardedness.

I have a WD subscription and with their changes it came out after it was released. Phoned up to complain about it and they gave me 12 month free sub and a £20 voucher.

Voucher never came so I phoned up to ask about it, they emailed the codes but sent 30. I loaded them onto my account but couldn't redeem them on my order. Phoned up the order any they put my order through but discounted everything instead of using the vouchers so a second seperate order went through with the vouchers.

So free 12 month sub and 60quid of toys for nothing. Thank you Games-retard, thank you XD

So that was 12 months of toilet paper and a pot of paint?

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It is 8:16 am here in Maine... is it bad that the school day started 16 minutes ago and I already want to punch two people in the head?

On four hours of sleep? The fact that it's only two is impressive.

Btw, I think my muse was channeling you last night...didn't have time to write, so was thinking of directions to take the plot and she out of the blue went "You should kill _____". I agree with her, it would work...but a bit uncharacteristic for the lass.

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And written a prequel to the Black stories featuring Joshua, and also Absolution's mom!

Just got to type it now and post it lol!

Oooo...looking forward to reading that...

have an anvil fall on them...

have them get a slight scratch, then die from blood poisoning....

stepping in front of an airship....


Ha, good ideas, actually...no, more thinking if I want to give them last words and a 'dramatic death' or a sudden death. It's an interesting thing to think over because they're a fairly developed character in the story...I'm rather leaning towards the sudden death myself.

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Oooo...looking forward to reading that...

Ha, good ideas, actually...no, more thinking if I want to give them last words and a 'dramatic death' or a sudden death. It's an interesting thing to think over because they're a fairly developed character in the story...I'm rather leaning towards the sudden death myself.

unexpected deaths are always the best, like SPOILER : the black guy at the end of Night of the Living dead who survives the zombie attack only to get shot by a redneck gang in the morning!

sorry, if that spoils the ending....I hope thats the right film lol

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ABs, you mean you didn't get the "all circuits are busy, try again later" message? I was communicating with the pirate cats at the time (all good arch villains need dependable hench-cats) and giving them new orders for a time machine.

heh...no, just annoying static...

thought it was the aethervox playing up again...

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unexpected deaths are always the best, like SPOILER : the black guy at the end of Night of the Living dead who survives the zombie attack only to get shot by a redneck gang in the morning!

sorry, if that spoils the ending....I hope thats the right film lol

Hm. Alright then, sudden unexpected death it is. Now to make people like the character before I kill them...heh. It'll be interesting to see if anyone guesses ahead of time. Although, considering the number of things I've been able to slide by you guys so far, might be able to pull it off

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