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*emerges from the cellar, sets an impossibly large and rusty bear trap at the stop of the stairs, pries it open with a grunt, gingerly sets a cream-filled donut at the center, waves to those in the thread, lumbers back into the depths of the basement*

*the cellar door slams behind, as if by unseen hands*

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To finish the list, I need to get a Renegade Militia Conversion Kit, RM Enforcers, RM Command, RM Artillery Crew, RM Psykers and the Etched Brass. Really debating on picking up a Hell Blade too, I love the design and in the RM version of the list I can run it as a Heavy Support slot. But, that's an additional $70 or so...and that's not including the shipping increase.

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Before you get a Hellblade I'd check about online for the quality of the kit these days since it' pretty old. I know some of the older ones are horrible now (the Hydra's one of the worst with barrels sometimes bent nearly 90 degrees) due to warping in the molds. Places like Warseer, Dakka, B&C etc will be able to help there if you're not already on any of them.

That does sound like 1 expensive order though!

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Good morning Campers. How is everyone on this misserable wet morning lol.

Been in since 6:45 this morning XD. Can of red bull in one hand and coffee in the other.

Right off to finish this project plan and look at engagement rings.

Morning! wet and miserable in North wales too...but thats just the norm.

Morning Steam..windy too....it always seems to be windy up there. At least your clothes will dry quickly (inbetween the days of constant rain! ;))

Engagement rings Munkey? I thought you'd never ask!!

And 40K has become very vehicle oriented..but my raven guard army broke the mould...nearest thing to a vehicle were two drop pods! Of course, I didn't win many games though..... ;)

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Afternoon all!

ABs, my Dark Angels tends to be more infantry than tanks, plus they come out on top in shooting matches against Guard before now. I like lots of troops (so yes, I do also play Orks, heheh).

Infantry heavy Dark angels? thats almost unheard of..unless its deathwing of course!

And my raven guard was tac squads in drop pods, assault squads, scouts and scout bikers......led by shrike and a jump pack chaplain.

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3 Devastator Squads, 3 Tactical Squads (with Rhinos), Company Master, Ven Dread, etc. I try to keep the number of tanks down, but you do need some mobility.

If I have the points I also take Company Vets with a Interrogator Chaplain, they can kick butt!

Oh, I also field Doublewing now and then.

And for Apoc - complete 3rd company, half the Deathwing, 1/3 of the Ravenwing, large armoury, etc.

My plan is to collect the entirety of the first 3 companies ;)

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3 Devastator Squads, 3 Tactical Squads (with Rhinos), Company Master, Ven Dread, etc. I try to keep the number of tanks down, but you do need some mobility.

If I have the points I also take Company Vets with a Interrogator Chaplain, they can kick butt!

Oh, I also field Doublewing now and then.

And for Apoc - complete 3rd company, half the Deathwing, 1/3 of the Ravenwing, large armoury, etc.

My plan is to collect the entirety of the first 3 companies ;)

Good luck, you'll need a big wallet! and a lot of space

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I am a sucker for more models and I have managed to suceed from GW's retardedness.

I have a WD subscription and with their changes it came out after it was released. Phoned up to complain about it and they gave me 12 month free sub and a £20 voucher.

Voucher never came so I phoned up to ask about it, they emailed the codes but sent 30. I loaded them onto my account but couldn't redeem them on my order. Phoned up the order any they put my order through but discounted everything instead of using the vouchers so a second seperate order went through with the vouchers.

So free 12 month sub and 60quid of toys for nothing. Thank you Games-retard, thank you XD

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I am a sucker for more models and I have managed to suceed from GW's retardedness.

I have a WD subscription and with their changes it came out after it was released. Phoned up to complain about it and they gave me 12 month free sub and a £20 voucher.

Voucher never came so I phoned up to ask about it, they emailed the codes but sent 30. I loaded them onto my account but couldn't redeem them on my order. Phoned up the order any they put my order through but discounted everything instead of using the vouchers so a second seperate order went through with the vouchers.

So free 12 month sub and 60quid of toys for nothing. Thank you Games-retard, thank you XD

Jammy Git.

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