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I've only ever played against a dreamer crew once... It was in a three way game.. it was Guild (moi) vs LCB vs Lilith... needless to say, I SOMEHOW (grrr) got sandwiched between all the NB... and got my ass handed to me... *shakes head* I wasn't a very experienced player then (almost a year ago now).... I ran 'Dita for the very first time in that game.... now... if someone declares NB I always take 'Dita and Papa... and then mix it up from there... I need to figure out what to do for Outcasts now...

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I've only had a go against Ophelia from the Outcasts and that was in a three way that had my Sonnia crew sandwiched between them and Raspy. I was able to deal with Raspy's barrage of spells thanks to Sonnia's dispel but those gremlins shot the heck out of my crew good and proper.

I'm happy with my first outing as LCB though, I didn't do any of the switching tactics to get more movement, but I didn';t have to when I had LCB and 3 daydreams threatening Kirai and those spirits with her and the Teddies challenging the remainder and keeping them off the claim jump marker (Teddy was victim to that curse right next to it and the spirits were to scared to go near him thanks to that 3" combat range, hahaha!).

My usual opponents use Raspy, Ophelia and Kirai whilst I usually use Colette or Sonnia, but LCB is ready now since the models are now entirely or half painted (my painting got a lot of good comments last night which also made me feel good. I'm a fairly good painter though not the best, just never have a camera to take and post pics).

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Sandwich action! I recently played a game with Nico versus Sonnia and Ramos in a 3-way shared Claim Jump. I somehow ended up the bitch-boy in the middle. The Fog kept me vertical, though Sonnia's stupid Seeker forced me to burn a lot of stones. Had a paralyzed Steamborg Executioner (thanks Rigor Mortis!) and Samael Hopkins in melee range, and my crew was pretty well dismantled by the time we called it. Between 12" of fog and my spamming Shafted markers around the objective, I think I $$$$$$$$ed everyone else off, hence the "Kill Nico!" mentality. I survived 'til the end of turn 4, but my crew was on last legs and that Steamborg was not happy.

Still. Fun game. Had one of the opposing masters been Chompy, though, I would've been super-boned.

Congrats on the win, Lonely. ;)

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Thanks Hatchet! it is good to win for achange, I normally lose or manage to claw a draw. very glad that I got Slaughter or I might not have won, lol.

With Sonnia i tend to take Nino instead of Samael these days, that extra range and his triggers can make all the difference. I've had him really pound Raspy's crew before now to claw a draw after her savaging almost everything else (bloody Ice Mirror + December's Curse + triggers that the guy always manages to pull on every casting, grr), but not had much luck against them darn Gremlins yet!

Facing Kirai was a nice change, but her ability to evolve all those Seishin is down right evil! Still, I think Sonnia would have had fn against her crew, heheheh.

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Hi all!

Hope you're all better soon Princess! Watch some Supernatural, that'll get you better :D

I had a fun night with friends last night, knackered now though.

I have had something to eat, and ive been watching matrix all day so im a little better thank you. :) Will watch supernatural after ive watched the last one.

Heh, *gives Path a cuddly puppet* there you go chickidee, why dont you get in bed and have a sleep? :)

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If I sleep during the day I'll just be awake all night, lol. But thanks for the puppet :)

Also, you are going to love the latest episode of Supernatural, it had me laughing like crazy! Think Bewitched meets War of the Roses (the one with Michael Douglas, not the one about the actual war :P).

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If I sleep during the day I'll just be awake all night, lol. But thanks for the puppet :)

Also, you are going to love the latest episode of Supernatural, it had me laughing like crazy! Think Bewitched meets War of the Roses (the one with Michael Douglas, not the one about the actual war :P).

lol awesome! I bet Dean is just as delicious as he has ever been! :D

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