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Off Topic Playground

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And don't you think it slightly worrying that he had those 2 items to hand that quickly?! :D

Fell, we could use some help right about now... come on... you know you don't like the pervy crowd chasing us?!

*Pulls his most handsome Gremlin face complete with Bambi eyes* Pwease? :D

Joins in

*Pwetty Pwease with a piglet on top*


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*trundles alongside Munky and reg, with Lilitus and doxies hanging onto his armour*

And now I'm giving them a lift.....can you run faster guys?


*Drinks some shine and passes the bottle to Munkey*

Yeah.. thats right... Gremlin lucozade!

*Their pace double while Ab's wheels shake*

He's not built for off road! ;)

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~Several Doxies take one look at those hideous boots and in disgust clamber on top of the cage and start pouring treacle down on Reg and Munkey~

Hey girls, there's a sac of feathers down behind my comfy chair!

~A lilitu rushes over, grabs them, runs back and starts throwing them at Reg and Munkey through the bars as they giggle happily~

Edited by LonelyPath
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~Several Doxies take one look at those hideous boots and in disgust clamber on top of the cage and start pouring treacle down on Reg and Munkey~

Hey girls, there's a sac of feathers down behind my comfy chair!

~A lilitu rushes over, grabs them, runs back and starts throwing them at Reg and Munkey through the bars as they giggle happily~

Grrrrr.... I bite my thumb at thee sir! *Bites Thumb*

Munkey... what do we do?!

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At least #66 was finally dealt with so at least you don't have to worry about her gatecrashing (again) and joining in. Her idea of fun is more along the lines of self taught medical practice... and lots of barbed wire...

~Watches the Lilitu's dance about the cage throwing more and more feathers~

And watch you don't bite your thumb to hard now :P

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