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my left hand (model holding hand) always gets covered in paint... I use my thumb and the nails of my thumb and first finger as a pallet... "I have too much paint" *poke* "that's better"

Lol, shamefully i end up getting bored or frustrated that my paint isnt doing what i want it too, so i end up putting faces on my hand, or stars, or hearts, or just splodges... :P one time it wasnt just my hand... my whole arm was covered...!

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Thats the first time in a long time that someone has called me a prick! :D

*Drops trousers and moons Hayzel with his Green gremlin cheeks*

LMAO!!! Its my word at the moment. Im calling everyone it. I called it to my mum at the weekend and got my mouth washed out with soap and water... She said I may be 22 but she is still my mum and I should treat her with respect. So I called it to her again and ran away laughing... Needless to say she caught up with me as I was wearing high heeled, knee high boots... and washed my mouth out again.

Any way!!

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LMAO!!! Its my word at the moment. Im calling everyone it. I called it to my mum at the weekend and got my mouth washed out with soap and water... She said I may be 22 but she is still my mum and I should treat her with respect. So I called it to her again and ran away laughing... Needless to say she caught up with me as I was wearing high heeled, knee high boots... and washed my mouth out again.

Any way!!

*Runs over to Ab's, opens front door and reaches inside*

*Grabs a bucket and looks for soap*

Oh yeah.. aisle 12..

*finds aisle 12 and grabs some soap*

*Turns Ab's left leg and fills bucket with water and adds soap*

Runs at Hayzel with soapy water.... wait, you were wearing knee-high high heeled boots?! *Shakes thought from his mind... and carries on running at her*

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*Runs over to Ab's, opens front door and reaches inside*

*Grabs a bucket and looks for soap*

Oh yeah.. aisle 12..

*finds aisle 12 and grabs some soap*

*Turns Ab's left leg and fills bucket with water and adds soap*

Runs at Hayzel with soapy water.... wait, you were wearing knee-high high heeled boots?! *Shakes thought from his mind... and carries on running at her*

"Quick Man the Pigapult"

*Grabs Black and stuff him in the pigapult*


"oops I thing the rope was a bit too tight, sorry dude."

I swear you guys just use and abuse me.....

And Regnak..you could at least turn the tap off!!

*grumbles about waste of water*

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"Quick Man the Pigapult"

*Grabs Black and stuff him in the pigapult*


"oops I thing the rope was a bit too tight, sorry dude."

I think its cause Abs has pilled on some extra pounds of late?! :D

Oh, and now you got me thinking... did I leave the inside light on? Oh well... he won't be so tough with a flat battery! Just need to work out how to think one step ahead of fell and this whole world will be mine... MINE! :D

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~Various Dead Doxies and Lilitu's chase off after Reg and Munkey carrying ropes, chains and large locks to tie them up~

Its fine Munkey.. we just need to keep pace for a few more mins... have you seen how that pervy lot are dressed?! They are prone to chafing and at this speed we should hear their screams shortly! :D

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Its fine Munkey.. we just need to keep pace for a few more mins... have you seen how that pervy lot are dressed?! They are prone the chafing and at this speed we should hear their screams in a few mins! :D

I'm getting a stitch, wait what the hell the hell is abs doing.... He's giving them baby powder and vasalene. Good god he holds a grudge. I think we need to pick up the pace!

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I'm getting a stitch, wait what the hell the hell is abs doing.... He's giving them baby powder and vasalene. Good god he holds a grudge. I think we need to pick up the pace!

*trundles alongside Munky and reg, with Lilitus and doxies hanging onto his armour*

And now I'm giving them a lift.....can you run faster guys?


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I'm getting a stitch, wait what the hell the hell is abs doing.... He's giving them baby powder and vasalene. Good god he holds a grudge. I think we need to pick up the pace!

And don't you think it slightly worrying that he had those 2 items to hand that quickly?! :D

Fell, we could use some help right about now... come on... you know you don't like the pervy crowd chasing us?!

*Pulls his most handsome Gremlin face complete with Bambi eyes* Pwease? :D

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