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*steps back from Fell, expecting Alienesque chest bursting*

Ummm...something you ate, virus or.....some strange alien beastie implanted its baby in your gullet? ;)

Fell's so scary that the Alien would sit cowering inside and not try and come out!

I could always take a look to see if there is anything in your tummy? *Offers up the services of his fishing rod*

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Hey guys whats poppin ?

about the teddy monkey it will sell when it closer the next years gen con , nightmare chompy didnt really get up there to about a year after it was released . New players are always getting into the game and ome are going to want those limited run figs .

I am kinda at a writers block with my story " Jobe " I wantto add one more special forces character , but want something unique and fresh .

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I don't think the vatican would allow a translation of some of the early bibles... might unseat their thrones of power... didn't you ever see Stigmata?

I did see Stigmata when it first came out, pretty good film I thought but it's been a long time since I saw it and don't remember it to well these days.

I'm amazed the Mormons haven't declared burning some edition of their own book, it's pretty damning for them in some places, hahaha.

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I did see Stigmata when it first came out, pretty good film I thought but it's been a long time since I saw it and don't remember it to well these days.

I'm amazed the Mormons haven't declared burning some edition of their own book, it's pretty damning for them in some places, hahaha.

Retconning and ignorance do some amazing things...

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I hate Ebay with a passion. They are evil and I constantly get screwed over as a seller.


Now you tell me... just when I finished a badge for you..



But yeah... understand how you feel sir. If I didn't already have one I'd snap this up in an instance! Maybe with the new price you'll get some bites? I think the prices are good.. seen them go for £60+ on your fave auction site!

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I did see Stigmata when it first came out, pretty good film I thought but it's been a long time since I saw it and don't remember it to well these days.

I'm amazed the Mormons haven't declared burning some edition of their own book, it's pretty damning for them in some places, hahaha.

They have a copy of a gospel that, if it got out, would destroy the power of the church.. *Shrugs* that's why they have so much locked away in vaults. If the world ended tomorrow, I'd find a way to get to Italy... so I could raid their vaults.... 0_0

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Hey, is anyone else having trouble getting this thread to load?

Fell, I'd be more than happy to join you on that raid. I've been dying to get my hands on some of the goodies they have stored away, heheheh,

ed, I'm the same with you in the painting department. Whilst I am not the best painter and tend to dislike painting a lot of the time (some things never go away, but then I used to draw/paint/etc for up to 20 hours a day sometimes for work and I still have a slight dislike to painting for recreation) I could never leave my minis in the hands of someone else to paint they'd never get them how i see them in my mind.

I did get my Ice Gamins undercoated last night, painted a little more on my tiny Killer Bunny Teddy and painted my Ice Golem last night though :)

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May give it another price drop if no takers come the weekend. I'm more dissapointed that nobody was bitting at my painted crew, I thought it was painted up quite nicely.


Don't look at it like that good Sir. Your painting is not the reason. There's an alt. Raspy coming out just around the corner that some people might prefer... others might prefer painting their crew themselves... also as everyone seems to be skint at the moment people would reach for the NIB crew for £18 first...

Again I know you hate it with a passion but I have seen fully painted crew sells for good prices on that auction site I mentioned... maybe worth just putting them on there.. I know you are not a fan but you might get stuff shifted and you don't need to become a regular! ;)

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