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*mutters "Neanderthals"*

It's a great book, and everyone who has a good sense of humor about religion should read it...

anyway, there's this scene where Joshua and Biff are in a field and Josh yells:

"A Nest of Vipers!"

and Biff Retorts:

"A Pox on your Family!"


"No, a Nest of Vipers!"


"Oh, well, a Pox off your family"

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Uh huh...sorry, that one I didn't read, lol. Honestly, while I have no problem with people poking fun at religions as a rule (the stuff I could tell you about my own that makes me laugh...) I tend to avoid those kinds of books/ shows, because they're usually heavily biased and present a lot of strawmen stuff. (shrug)

Or, the short version, I tend not to laugh at it...

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tbh, Lamb is... cheeky...

in the historical sense, we know about Jesus's life from birth till about... 4.... then from 30 to dead.... and thats it.

Moore uses the name Joshua, to... remove him slightly from the religion... and then shows the reader an interpretation of what Joshua might have done with his life from the age of 4-30. And of course, Josh's best friend is Biff... Biff is like us... he's crass, he learns to cheat at gambling, is a lover of many woman, and he fights... a lot... because Josh wont.

There's a scene in the book where Josh is trying to understand the Sin of knowing a woman (which he is forbidden to by a rather stupid angel), so Biff convinces Josh to pay for Harlots so Biff can describe sin to him...

It's cheeky... it's not meant to be a crack at Christianity... it's meant to get people to think outside the box... I like to think of it as looking at the more Human side of Joshua... *shrugs*

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Think it was your work address. It should be there it went first class recorded

ok, not turned up yet..or at least they haven't told me..will probably be here tomorrow...after all it is wales!

And I currently have a post count of 666...(snicker)

Evil...evil I tells you! ;)

3082 posts for me... in here...

although, when we first started, they counted... I think I hit my 2000 mark in here before they closed that down... so... maybe... 500-1000 of the 3082 are already in my grand total.... *thinks* I don't recall now...

Yeah, god knows how many I'd actually have now, about 5,000? I need to expand my field of posting a bit more!

*looks outside thread*

Nah, its scary.....


I got it XP

cheat! I wasn't here so it doesn't count!

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Path: Basically... it picks up at age... six? Goes through him teaching in the temple in Jerusalem... and then it picks up it's own... thing... he goes off to learn how to be the messiah... then he returns to pick up where the Gospels pick up his ministry.... and it follows through to his death...

the concept is neat because it goes between Biff writing in first person Omnicient (Joshua and I) and first person present (as he's writing he's telling about what's going on around him). The book is meant to be... light hearted...

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I won't get into the subject since, let's face it, religion is never a good thing to discuss online. But there are many different editions of the Bible out there these days with different materials, some cover more of Christ's life than others. In fact, some printed as recently as 60 or 70 years ago have very different material, got to love editorial rewrites and censorship. I just wish they'd re-translate the really old Bibles that had some really juicy stuff in them :)

Personally though I just prefer to tease Mormons about which Book of Mormon they're quoting since I have about a dozen copies and all of them are different hahaha.

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I won't get into the subject since, let's face it, religion is never a good thing to discuss online. But there are many different editions of the Bible out there these days with different materials, some cover more of Christ's life than others. In fact, some printed as recently as 60 or 70 years ago have very different material, got to love editorial rewrites and censorship. I just wish they'd re-translate the really old Bibles that had some really juicy stuff in them :)

Personally though I just prefer to tease Mormons about which Book of Mormon they're quoting since I have about a dozen copies and all of them are different hahaha.

I don't think the vatican would allow a translation of some of the early bibles... might unseat their thrones of power... didn't you ever see Stigmata?

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