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Be careful death comes with sharp pointy teeth

Tim: There he is!

King Arthur: Where?

Tim: There!

King Arthur: What? Behind the rabbit?

Tim: It *is* the rabbit!

King Arthur: You silly sod!

Tim: What?

King Arthur: You got us all worked up!

Tim: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit.

King Arthur: Ohh.

Tim: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!

Sir Robin: You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared!

Tim: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!

Sir Galahad: Get stuffed!

Tim: He'll do you up a treat, mate.

Sir Galahad: Oh, yeah?

Sir Robin: You manky Scots git!

Tim: I'm warning you!

Sir Robin: What's he do? Nibble your bum?

Tim: He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones!

King Arthur: Go on, Bors. Chop his head off!

Sir Bors: Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!

I think this may be my most FAVOURITE film of all time....must watch it again this weekend!

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Mornin' Fell!

Well, afternoon now, heh.

Got my itchy witch painted last night so my Dreamer crew now has a Dreamer to go with the pumpkin LDC and Daydreams, plus the NE Teddy (which I painted blue instead of orange in memory of a teddy bear I had as a little kid). Jut got to work out what to do to base them now.

Oh, also assembled Raspy's starter box (took me long enough to get around to it).

Next on the agenda (but probably not today) is get a list of tings together to make some Grot tanks (no way in Hell am I paying FW prices, pfft..).

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I'm at work... and it's stinkin' cold in here... the thermometer on the wall is lying (it's DEF not 68 degrees F in here).... and I just realized that if I buy Wyrd bases for my stuff it's gonna cost me $114... A few of them I <have> to have (Flame inserts, 50mm Graveyard, Orphanage bases).... I'm wonderiing if I can find some inexpensive resin bases/inserts elsewhere....

*wanders off to CMoN*

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I'm at work... and it's stinkin' cold in here... the thermometer on the wall is lying (it's DEF not 68 degrees F in here).... and I just realized that if I buy Wyrd bases for my stuff it's gonna cost me $114... A few of them I <have> to have (Flame inserts, 50mm Graveyard, Orphanage bases).... I'm wonderiing if I can find some inexpensive resin bases/inserts elsewhere....

*wanders off to CMoN*

Fenris Games has some nice stuff which I have used for my Ressers and some inserts for my Dead Justice... Also I just picked up some Dark Age stuff as well which are nice

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I'm at work... and it's stinkin' cold in here... the thermometer on the wall is lying (it's DEF not 68 degrees F in here).... and I just realized that if I buy Wyrd bases for my stuff it's gonna cost me $114... A few of them I <have> to have (Flame inserts, 50mm Graveyard, Orphanage bases).... I'm wonderiing if I can find some inexpensive resin bases/inserts elsewhere....

*wanders off to CMoN*

Just ordered a load of Micro Art studios bases from MAelstrom..I think you can get them direct in the US...pretty sure they're an american company.....In the UK 5 30mm bases for £4.20.........lots of choice too..

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I've picked up quite a few bases fro Micro Arts for the last couple of years, always good quality and affordable.

If Ramshackle Games did some 30mm round resins I've recommend looking there since they're good (and VERY cheap), but they seem to be more focused on bike and square bases :( However, I did just pick up 10 30mm and 10 40mm lipped round bases for next to nothing (and some resins models (£2 each!) for my Inquisitor henchmen units). I think I'll be visiting Ramshackle again, far to much stuff I want, I'd forgotten all about them until a friend just reminded me, lol!

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so... I went from $114 at Wyrd to $117 between Wyrd and CMoN... although, I did throw my Zorraida crew in at CMoN... so there are... six more models that are being based for 3 more dollars....

NOT that I can afford to buy ANY of the bases at the moment... they're all on my wish list... wich is also okay, because some of the ones I like at CMoN are sold out....

gods... send me a Money tree :P

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Good morningto you too mate. I hate basing to so you aren'talone. Personally I do a little as I can when it comes to basing, I'll leave sand and stones unpainted, I use black ash/grit/stone things on the bases of my (also black pre-heresy) Dark Angels. The most decorative bases are my GK wich have snow on them, plus some painted resin piece or other decorations here and there. I just have always hated basing!

Then again, my undead might have put me off basing, I must have gone through about a pound of sand basing them all! LOL!

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Yeah, that would do it, Path...I think the reason I hate basing so much is that tracking down supplies to do something more interesting is nearly impossible for me to do on a large scale. Whereas other people I know randomly acquire buckets of shattered concrete, and tell me that it's unfortunately not available to get anymore.

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In GW days I never went beyond flock or sand on a base. Now I'm being more adventurous. I've bought resin ones from Fenris games, I've green stuffed by on cobbles and curbs, I even spent most of a week adding PVA glue to a Mire Golem's base to fill in the indentation and it was too large to stand on it and I wanted a swamp type look. It all takes time away from my painting though so not something I'll do that often.

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Yeah, that would do it, Path...I think the reason I hate basing so much is that tracking down supplies to do something more interesting is nearly impossible for me to do on a large scale. Whereas other people I know randomly acquire buckets of shattered concrete, and tell me that it's unfortunately not available to get anymore.

Not being able to get those bits of concrete anymore always annoys me too, I've been after some for a few models for a while now. Still, I may be a go at chopping upsome resin offcuts and see how that works. I still hate basing though, lol.

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How about going to get something like this and introducing it to a hammer:


Should be able to do plenty of bases with the results.

Would be useful for me if I could use a hammer (damn FSHD, grr) since those would work out much cheaper than the little tubs. Well they would if there was somewhere local that sold them (closest is 15 miles away now and I don't drive).

Fell, sounds like you're getting cheaper all the time, keep hunting those bargains :D

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