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(throws a snowball at Abs) and that's for calling me vermin...

sorry, you were hiding behind the gremlin...

I would never call you vermin....Life is too short to worry about snowballs at any time!


Hi Dustbin.. toaster... oven thing.

*Opens up Ab's front panel and chucks in a Pizza*


*glares at regnak*

Watch it...ooh marguerita..yum!

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sorry, you were hiding behind the gremlin...

I would never call you vermin....Life is too short to worry about snowballs at any time!


*glares at regnak*

Watch it...ooh marguerita..yum!


*quickly opens Ab's door and removes Pizza before he can have some*

Who's for Pizza? :D

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~Decides to warm up some old fashions mead and puts a jug of that in the oven too, then after several minutes pulls it back out with a crispy looking Chocobo clinging to it~

You better not have drank my mead, bird :P

~Several Gothic Showgirls gather around and poke Chocobo with sticks to see if hes still alive~

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LJ looks AWESOME, Shaper.... Mine's painted... just need a solid base for her.... thinkin' about using the Wyrd Graveyard base....

I was busy getting aSonnia done first... and with Dead Justice in a painting contest for next month I have to get others done before I get to aJustice...

That an the other 41 Malifaux Figures to paint. Then there's 4 to build and paint...

And I won't mention the extra figures I have in a spreadsheet to order...

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~Decides to warm up some old fashions mead and puts a jug of that in the oven too, then after several minutes pulls it back out with a crispy looking Chocobo clinging to it~

You better not have drank my mead, bird :P

~Several Gothic Showgirls gather around and poke Chocobo with sticks to see if hes still alive~

I wounder what i was swimming around in.

And stop poking me >.<!

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I was busy getting aSonnia done first... and with Dead Justice in a painting contest for next month I have to get others done before I get to aJustice...

That an the other 41 Malifaux Figures to paint. Then there's 4 to build and paint...

And I won't mention the extra figures I have in a spreadsheet to order...

Shall we rattle off what fell has left?

I have about... 10 pieces to do for my really big commission (only two of those are Malifaux... most of them are from Eden the Game)

I have 24 pieces to do for the resident resser

I have 30+ for the other guy I paint for locally (Majority of the Vicks crew, Criid's crew, 'Dita's crew, and a few others)


Pandora's crew, Collodi's crew, Guild hounds, aZorraida, alt Zorraida, Hunter, alt Crrid, NE Judge, NE DMs, 3 regular DMs, a couple freebooter minis, a few Anima minis... *thinks* Nicodem's crew.... Nightmare Teddy... Peacekeeper... I think that's all my stuff... I should make a list... XP

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Shall we rattle off what fell has left?

I have about... 10 pieces to do for my really big commission (only two of those are Malifaux... most of them are from Eden the Game)

I have 24 pieces to do for the resident resser

I have 30+ for the other guy I paint for locally (Majority of the Vicks crew, Criid's crew, 'Dita's crew, and a few others)


Pandora's crew, Collodi's crew, Guild hounds, aZorraida, alt Zorraida, Hunter, alt Crrid, NE Judge, NE DMs, 3 regular DMs, a couple freebooter minis, a few Anima minis... *thinks* Nicodem's crew.... Nightmare Teddy... Peacekeeper... I think that's all my stuff... I should make a list... XP

Should I mention all by one Squad for my Deathwing army and the same for by Blood Angels...

As well as about 6 Bloodbowl teams...

As well as 3 armies for Warzone (if anyone remembers that)

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You need to remember I've been in this hobby since the early 90's...

I still have some stuff that was undercoated back then which needs some paint!

Heh, I'm sure I can compete..

I have a 10,000pt warhammer dwarf army (500+ figures) unpainted...some even unbuilt, that also has some pieces that dates back to the late 80's.

Then about 4 Bloodbowl teams

And about 120 Malifaux figures now....

So as you can see, i prefer playing over painting...well, not exactly true but with the limited time I have, I'd rather game than paint!

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