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By the by, Path, I'm actually quite curious what you think of the newest section of my book. I have no idea if you've been reading it at all, but from other conversations you and I have had, I'm very interested in your opinion of my newest resident pyscho, Isabella

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Confused by the Orky Steamroller...what game were you playing?

Glad you like her, Steam! I realized while writing her that I wasn't going to be able to avoid any cliches while writing a torturer, so I went with the one I've seen the least- the happy go lucky female who does the job because it's all a game to her.

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It was Dawn of War 2: Retribution (Chaos campaign if there is any difference between them). Think tonight I'll either play a different game or do some painting. Maybe finally finish Lilith.

I like how you are using the non-standard characters in roles. A great move in my opinion. It's why I love games like KOTOR or Mass Effect where your main character can be a woman. Pretty much every kind of hero has been done to death by film, tv, books, comic, etc whereas you can get a breath of fresh air with a woman in the same role.

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