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Nope they are still in the blister. I must be faithfull and not touch anything other than my blood angels until after this tournament on Saturday. 5 days left and I still have to paint:

1x landraider - Not even undercoated.

15x Assault marines 50% done.

1x Librarian - 25% done

1x Sanguinary Priest 40% done.

I have taken to booking Friday off work as an oh s*** final painting preperation day lmfao

Hey fell how are you doing XD

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Hey Abs! Hey Monkey! What's going on??

Not a lot...very quiet on here today.... you better? you seemed down last week..

Nope they are still in the blister. I must be faithfull and not touch anything other than my blood angels until after this tournament on Saturday. 5 days left and I still have to paint:

1x landraider - Not even undercoated.

15x Assault marines 50% done.

1x Librarian - 25% done

1x Sanguinary Priest 40% done.

I have taken to booking Friday off work as an oh s*** final painting preperation day lmfao

Hey fell how are you doing XD

Heh, liberal use of spray paint on friday then? ;)

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I'm okay. I was (And still am) wicked tired... working too much... 56 hours last week... 55 this week... XP I have no time to do anything - laundry, painting, what have you.... unless I stay up late (ish) to do it... which meants I don't get enough rest.

Good luck with you Angels, Monkey.... I don't envy you... I hate painting warhammer... especially the plastic (even when it's primed)....

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it's why I don't take Warhammer commissions... unless they hand me just one... if they ask me to paint an army... *shakes head*

If I had a Air bursh, it might be different.... plus... I charge quite a bit for repeat crap like that (how much does the battle box cost? $100 give or take... expect to pay at LEAST that... if the models are as sembled...) I hate mechs, and I hate repeats... hell, I even get bored painitng things like Guild Guard... 0_0

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YIKES! A friend of mine is over in Venice on holiday right now and just told me they're charging 150 euros for a 45 minute gondola ride! Holy crap!!!

40k night tonight and already got my army packed, the Grey Knights are off into battle again. Right now we're doing a 1500 league with 300 point bonus, the bonus units must remain the same throughout the league, my list tonight is:

Librarian (digital weapons, master-crafted NFW, summoning, quicksilver, might of titan, warp rift)

2x 10 GKSS (2 hammers, psybolts) + Rhino

5 Termies (psycannon, hammer, halberds)

5 Purgators (4 psycannons) + Razorback (psybolts)

Dreadnought (lascannon)

Dreadnought (assault cannon, psybolts, missile launcher)

Dreadnought (multi-melta)

Dreadnought (2 twin autocannons, psybolts)

Inquisitor (daemon blade (awesome weapons!))

All vehicles also have Warp Stabilisation Field for nifty vehicle teleporting if my Libby needs more support.

Small list, but it packs a punch and that multi-melta dread kept my home objective safe throughout all of last weeks game by scaring the hell out of everything my opponent had on the table (as I told him later, it was only 1 mean shot a turn, lol).

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Thanks Fell!

Munkey, my GK lists change a lot all the time. I've done psyker squad lists led by Coteaz, Purifier armies, walker lists, Paladins, 2 LR + SR list (with terminators and it died horribly when I failed 9 saving throws out of 16 last week! ARGH!!!), Strike Squads are my usual list though backed up with rhinos, dreads and Vindicare.

However, I always try to take at least 1 Librarian, they're fiendishly good!

And now to watch the season premiere of The Walking dead... if you all get flooded in here, that's just me drooling over how awesome it is :D

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Ah, Grey Knights...I so wanted to make a Mordrak teleport list work. Sadly, I found it worked better without the teleporting :P. I'm hoping to have more fun with my Renegade Militia...although, I've changed them from Blood Pact to Sons of Sek, now that I've read the Sabbat Worlds Crusade book.

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Thanks Fell!

Munkey, my GK lists change a lot all the time. I've done psyker squad lists led by Coteaz, Purifier armies, walker lists, Paladins, 2 LR + SR list (with terminators and it died horribly when I failed 9 saving throws out of 16 last week! ARGH!!!), Strike Squads are my usual list though backed up with rhinos, dreads and Vindicare.

However, I always try to take at least 1 Librarian, they're fiendishly good!

And now to watch the season premiere of The Walking dead... if you all get flooded in here, that's just me drooling over how awesome it is :D

Just for fun and Games I am taking 3 this weekend :D

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