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Cause no one cares about redshirts :P Far more amusing to me as an author to kill off someone I make you guys care about.

Not that I'm saying that's the plan for them...or saying it's not. :D

I find it hard to kill off established characters, especially ones i have become fond of. I was going to do it with Black, but changed at the last minute, hence the epilogue.

Hope it worked...should i have killed him off?

Too late now, unless somehow Dallas stylee, someone wakes up and it was all a dream!

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I find it hard to kill off established characters, especially ones i have become fond of. I was going to do it with Black, but changed at the last minute, hence the epilogue.

Hope it worked...should i have killed him off?

Too late now, unless somehow Dallas stylee, someone wakes up and it was all a dream!

I actually have created characters before with the express purpose of killing them off. In a weird quirky way, I make sure to put as much effort into them as major characters, to bring home the point of war sucks...blame Abnett and Weber for that, lol.

OOOOOOOOHHH I'll have your cinnamon!

*tongue hits floor, drools*

...uh huh...Abs, you're a bit strange...and aren't you married? How do you intend to get the cinnamon off her lips, hm?

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I kill my characters off when I get bored with them... 0_0

when I used to write Fantasy, where the fearless lady warrior was an idealized version of me, I used to have her kill of hapless red shirts when I was upset.... 0_0

Alright then...remind me not to co-write with you, I take a little while to really get comfortable with characters (example: Arias) and if you keep killing them as you get bored, that'd be kinda annoying...

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...uh huh...Abs, you're a bit strange...and aren't you married? How do you intend to get the cinnamon off her lips, hm?

I never said the cinnamon was on the lips lol, I was hoping it was pure cinnamon....

Or at the very least on a waffle with honeycomb ice cream...

No, Fell's lips are safe, as you said I'm married!!

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Hey Path, opinion question for you, since you know the Sabbat background material better than I seem to. Chaos Marines working with Blood Pact- World Eaters, or unaffiliated berzerkers?

As Path mentioned earlier, there was indeed mention of World Eaters attacking a convoy, a column of Basilisks of the 17th Ketzok 'Serpents', who were in turn ambushed by the Tanith 1st.

Yeah, I may have just re-read Ghostmaker...

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As Path mentioned earlier, there was indeed mention of World Eaters attacking a convoy, a column of Basilisks of the 17th Ketzok 'Serpents', who were in turn ambushed by the Tanith 1st.

Yeah, I may have just re-read Ghostmaker...

I did remember that, I was just wondering about any specific and well defined connection between World Eaters and Blood Pact.

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Not that I recall, I don't think the Blood Pact appear until much later and the only mention of Chaos Astartes in the later books is on Gereon in Traitor General, and a part of my brain is telling me they were Noise Marines if anything.

Modellers' licence, edonil. If you want to do it, do it. If you like it, do it. If you don't like it, do it, you might like it.

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Not that I recall, I don't think the Blood Pact appear until much later and the only mention of Chaos Astartes in the later books is on Gereon in Traitor General, and a part of my brain is telling me they were Noise Marines if anything.

Modellers' licence, edonil. If you want to do it, do it. If you like it, do it. If you don't like it, do it, you might like it.

Oi! what have you done with Hayzel?! She's MIA! :D

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hey Reg!

sucks about the ride... and the meetings... if it makes you feel any better, I can't drink my coffee... of which there is roughly 14oz remaining...

apparently my cinnamon allergy is getting worse.... XP

:( Oh dear... the Guild runs on caffeine so this doesn't bode well.. :(

How are you otherwise Lady?

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*taps Regnak on the shoulder with his own arm*

I believe this is yours....

(this won't make sense to any of you unfortunately, only Regnak)

And Littering is a crime, you know.........

*Takes his arm back, covers the end bit in shine and reattaches it*

Spoken like the official Guild rubbish collector you are! :D

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:( Oh dear... the Guild runs on caffeine so this doesn't bode well.. :(

How are you otherwise Lady?

Sucks.... told you i should have had the cinnamon!

Have you taken an antihistamine?

I'm good, Reg... tired... VERY tired... lots of painting... uncomfortable at the moment... my throat is a little tight due to my allergic reaction... it isn't bad... just... unpleasant... it's starting to pass now...

Abs, I only have Loratadine (Claritin) I'll take some once there students leave... not sure it'll help... we'll see..

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I'm good, Reg... tired... VERY tired... lots of painting... uncomfortable at the moment... my throat is a little tight due to my allergic reaction... it isn't bad... just... unpleasant... it's starting to pass now...

Abs, I only have Loratadine (Claritin) I'll take some once there students leave... not sure it'll help... we'll see..

*Offers Fell a nice English cup of tea made in what we call Builders Strength* :)

I remember when I was in the states how hard it was to get a nice cup of tea. Although I remember talking to a guy in a bar in Florida who told me all about his fave gun and that its in his truck right now if I wanted to see it.... :D Guns everywhere but not a decent cup of tea to be found! :D

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