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Steam: Very true... although, some of the Ressers do similar things... and it's bad for the Ortega player too... sure we get to throw everything at you all at once, but then you get to hit us. Smart Ortega players hold stuff like that until they can get the big money (masters, Protogees, etc).

Oh, and thanks for the Blanket *sneezes* what did you wrap it around a Neph?

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I just found it in the cupboard. Who knows where it has been.

My most recent moment of bad luck in Malifaux was against Pandora. We were about to call it a game as my opponent needed to go but I'd finally got a coryphee into combat with Baby Cade and I had the red joker in hand. So I had severe damage plus one more flip. Anything but the black joker would kill it. Guess which card I pulled?


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hey edonil!

Yeah, dice do like to mess you about it seems in games, especially 40k, lol. I managed to take out nothing of the CSM I was facing last night except 8 summoned lesser daemons. I did have his right flank worried though since my base was covered by a multi-melta dread that he'd immobilised right on top of it, hahaha. He could have dealt with it easily if he'd ganged up on it, but instead took the odd pot shot with a Plague Drone instead :P

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I think I need to hurt my friends...I'm actually considering making a Renegade Militia army now, and I swore off mainstream 40k...but I've always wanted to do a Blood Pact army, and that Servants of Slaughter list is calling my name...

And I'm glad all of you enjoyed the latest section! I had fun writing it, although it was a bit hard to get it started. I'm not quite sure how I want to finish that scene, I've got a few ideas I'm thinking through...I'll figure it out by tonight, I'm sure.

Hey Path, opinion question for you, since you know the Sabbat background material better than I seem to. Chaos Marines working with Blood Pact- World Eaters, or unaffiliated berzerkers?

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Hey Path, opinion question for you, since you know the Sabbat background material better than I seem to. Chaos Marines working with Blood Pact- World Eaters, or unaffiliated berzerkers?

Path will probably know the correct answer, but I would say unaffiliated.....easier to come up with something!

But i may have read in one of the books about a convoy being attacked by World eaters? Or did i dream it?

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By the by, what do you guys think of Faulkner and Waechter?

Like them, though liking Waechter better, even though he has hardly appeared...i like sneaky gits though.

Nothing against Faulkner, and i like the way he does care about his men, as he is a strong character too.

so when does Black swagger in? ;)

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Not really keen on them so far, but if I like everyone it would be hard to side with someone (unless there is a hidden enemy yet to come). Faulkner is ok, he just hasn't developed much yet. Waechter struck me as the usual annoyingly smug assassin type that rubs me the wrong way. So if he is meant to be like that then great work.

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Hey Path, opinion question for you, since you know the Sabbat background material better than I seem to. Chaos Marines working with Blood Pact- World Eaters, or unaffiliated berzerkers?

Oh bugger, I'll have to look it up in one of the IA books (is one of the Vraks ones I think), I'll see if I can find it now.

EDIT - I cheated and looked on Lexicanum (saved on page hunting), no mention of World Eaters, just that the berserkers were aligned with Khorne.

Edited by LonelyPath
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Heh, well, if I made a character who's established enough to be both liked and hated, I think I've done a good job (Waechter, I mean). And yeah, the muse really has grabbed this and run. Goal is 50,000 words by the 1st or 2nd of November (I'll figure out the exact date in a bit) then do some revision, and then keep going.

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Oh bugger, I'll have to look it up in one of the IA books (is one of the Vraks ones I think), I'll see if I can find it now.

EDIT - I cheated and looked on Lexicanum (saved on page hunting), no mention of World Eaters, just that the berserkers were aligned with Khorne.

Sweet, makes my life easier. I can mess with the design of them a little and convert them up some, I'm not a huge fan of the bunny ears, but I think it might be neat to use some GKT helmets and give them an old fashioned 'knight' feel.

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By the by, what do you guys think of Faulkner and Waechter?

I like Waechter... but I'm going to reserve judgement on them for the moment. I have a feeling Waetcher will be important latter on, but I also feel like... the two of them may not be with us very long... so I'm curious as to why you didn't just make them into generic red shirts.... instead of giving them names...

Like I said, I can't really say much until I read more about them.... and at this rate Faulkner is dead... I'll let you know when I have more information :)

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I like Waechter... but I'm going to reserve judgement on them for the moment. I have a feeling Waetcher will be important latter on, but I also feel like... the two of them may not be with us very long... so I'm curious as to why you didn't just make them into generic red shirts.... instead of giving them names...

Like I said, I can't really say much until I read more about them.... and at this rate Faulkner is dead... I'll let you know when I have more information :)

Well, as i see it from the brief bits we have...Waechter is a sneaky bugger who you just know will wriggle through somehow...

Whilst i see faulkner as the lucky sort..maybe some form of reinforcements will turn up, just at that crucial phase?

Or edonil could just be a cruel bugger and kill both off in an instant! ;)

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