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Killzone is basically 40k 5th edition kill team, only every model is a unit, and it's team versus team. Just look up Operation Killzone and you can find the ruleset. My LGS is doing it and using books older than 5th edition only. How wide we're spreading that net, we'll see. I want it to be about modeling projects and themes, so if there's an idea you want to do (ie, Blood Pact, Tanith, 13th company Wolves, Catachans) you find the book most appropriate to your project and use those rules.

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Killzone is basically 40k 5th edition kill team, only every model is a unit, and it's team versus team. Just look up Operation Killzone and you can find the ruleset. My LGS is doing it and using books older than 5th edition only. How wide we're spreading that net, we'll see. I want it to be about modeling projects and themes, so if there's an idea you want to do (ie, Blood Pact, Tanith, 13th company Wolves, Catachans) you find the book most appropriate to your project and use those rules.

That looks like fun, I might have to point some people from my Monday night 40k club towards it to see if they want to try it out at some point We've got a 40k league going right now and after that I'm starting up a 40k warbands thing based on the old Realms of Chaos warbands rules, but updated so it's not so convoluted and heavily streamlined to save on pre-game and post game activities.

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Foe: I really like a Game of Thrones... Still attempting to slog through the second book... It's a lot of building (characters, plot) but it lacks the hooks the first book had (for me at least...) I'm told book three is better...

I grabbed dragons of autumn twilight... I haven't read it in... Ten years (oh gods that makes me feel old) so I'm gonna give it a try.... I ha e had trouble finding books to hold my interest... If this flops, I'll go to the school library and see if I can find Vanity Fair...

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The first book in The Game of Thrones was amazing...but as the series progressed, it lost me. I tore through the first three books in less than five days (something like an average of 700 pages a day...I do not recommend this, it'll really screw with your dreams, and that's not a series you want to dream about) and yet I'm giving up on it at Feast of Crows. I dunno. I still recommend Brent Weeks to people, I really enjoyed his first trilogy.

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Morning all. How's everybody this cold, wet day?

Or get a hold of the newer drizzt books that I have not read .

Only if you really liked the other ones. I'm on the Ghost King and I really don't know why I punish myself by continuing to read the Salvatore books. And the plot in this one hasn't suffered so much from Power Creep as Power Surge.

|| <- this close to putting the book down and starting something better. My brother convinces me to just skim through it but finish it. I might have a whiskey and crap book night on Saturday and finish it and book 1 of WoT.

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Oi! Abs! Check your PM's! :D

Cheeky Blighter! I have, some of us have Guild business to attend to lol, can't always be available! ;)

*swats Regnak*

Morning all. How's everybody this cold, wet day?

Only if you really liked the other ones. I'm on the Ghost King and I really don't know why I punish myself by continuing to read the Salvatore books. And the plot in this one hasn't suffered so much from Power Creep as Power Surge.

|| <- this close to putting the book down and starting something better. My brother convinces me to just skim through it but finish it. I might have a whiskey and crap book night on Saturday and finish it and book 1 of WoT.

Morning...tired, bored at work and gums are tingling as the injection i had this morning wears off....bloody filling!

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*stumbles in, eyes bleary, a coffee in one hand, a chocolate milk in the other, a box of frosted flakes under her arm, shivering*

breakfast on the run XP

It's stinkin' COLD in my lab... the temp has droped two degrees since I got here XP

Heat's coming on now though... I hope

*practically collapses in her favorite spot, alternating between drink her milk and her coffee*

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I have returned!

~leaps into the thread followed by a horde of Gothic Showgirls that appear to be very hung over~

Yeah, don't mind them, they decided to party whilst I was off playing 40k last night. Speaking of which (about 40k) I failed 9 2+ saving throws out of 15 in 1 shooting phase, needless to say it was all downhill from there since that was half of my army gone (the loss of the LRR and SR in the same shooting phase didn't help either) :( LRR blew up, wounding all the guys inside it (5 GKT and Grand Master), 3 failed armous saves (on the GKT), grrr...

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Luck of the dice does always seem to go out of its way to prove mathematical averages wrong.

Last night in Blood Bowl for the second time in a week I've had 5 out of my 11 team members succumb to heat stroke at the same time which is a 1 in 6 chance.

And the computer's undead teams that hardly ever fail a 50% regeneration test. I caused 9 casualties against one of their teams last night but only 2 of them stuck. And one of those was a ghoul which doesn't get to regenerate. So it made 7 out of 8 50% rolls.

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