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Eeesh. That's definitely worse than what I've been through. Any chance you can go to another night?

We go Thursday nights and <try> to go Sunday afternoons...

There are ALWAYS magic players because they are the bread and butter gamers in this area (in most areas, I think).... On Sunday we get a lot of the young stupidly obnoxious ones... I had to ask one kid yesterday to stop singing the same three bars of a song over and over and over.... Thursday it's just the sheer number of them... we can't use the tables earlier in the week due to 40k/fantasy/warmahordes... And yesterday wouldn't have been <quite> so obnoxious if I hadn't had to MOVE all the 40k people... see, the lgs owner stacks the 3x6 gaming tables on top of one another to make more room for MTG players during release events... but then he doesn't bother to put the room back together... so we had to move the 40k players yesterday to get the table down... Then the owner left the thing in the middle of the room, blocking both of the doors... Then we had to ask the 40k players to move AGAIN so we could move the table out of the way... *Shakes head*

This followed by one of the employees telling another employee that we weren't USING said table... even though we'd just set up our terrain... we moved to the other end of the table (we only need a 3x3, and the second employee only need a 1x3 space) so it worked out... but I was really REALLY put out by the fact that the first employee (who heard me ask the owner about the table not once but TWICE) decided we weren't using it...

If I could find another place to go... even if it weren't a gs... but a place we could go and play... two or three games in a row... I'd go there in a heartbeat... I like the lgso, and I'd still encourage people to buy their stuff there... but if I'm gonna get ignored... *shrugs, hangs head, picks self up, smiles*

Time to get cracking!!! I have SO much painting to do :D doing some Eden commission pieces at the moment... might switch to Malifaux Commissions later... depends on the time... I have to work at 3 XP

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blood bowl talk ! really the only gw game I play as of right now. I just got done getting the bits and stuff to convert a chaos dwarf team . I try and attend zlurpee bowl out in Indy when I can . It pulls in about 60-70 couches and I a solid 2 day event .

Malifaux talk , the table is coming out pretty good so far , although at a slow pace . And I have grandma about painted , doing some free hand on her gown .

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Ouch, Path. I had an instance of a magic shotgun bullet in Necromunda... eye injury, chest injury, leg injury, plus another injury that I can't remember...to top it all off, he then got sold into slavery for full cash. It was a bit of an insult to injury moment.


My Pit Slave leader was once booted off the top of a tower and fell at least 12" to the table below, he managed to shrug it off, got up on his turn and shot the guy that booted him off, who then fell of the tower and died post game (technically he should have landed on top of my leader, but we thought that since he was so cool and tough he side steps at the last instant (kinda like Gothmog did later in the LotR movies), then shot the guy again for good measure.

That same leader of mine got into assault with a couple of Scavvy Scalies (who were demons in assault) and beat both them up single handedly.

Like I said, Pit Slaves were tough, plus being able to give them all a 4+ save before your first game (if you were willing to pay 60 credits per model for it) was a sure fire bonus.

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*does the "I have a cookie dance", points at self*

English Major... and I love Greek Mythology :)

I finished that Mech... the one that I was SUPPOSED to do NMM.... I sent the guy pics... I'm waiting to hear if he likes them. If he does, I'm done *happy dance* if he doesn't... I have to pull the Gorram thing apart and strip all the paint off of it... If that's the case, I have an idea on how to work it... (instead of starting Light and trying to add highlights and shadows I'm gonna start dark and work my way up to light... seemed to work well on the Ice Gollum...) no sure why I didn't thin of it sooner.... but I'm not gonna strip it at this point if he likes it *shrugs*

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Yeah our club was at a place that had one of the largest magic community on the eastern side of the country . It was hard to work around them , so we moved to another game store . It worked out we basically refinished a portion of there basement for them , we have about 15 tables set for mini gaming . The only gripe I have is they close way to early even on club night . And are closed on Sunday's which for a game store is retarded .

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Path, that was an awesome story, made me laugh a little.

And there's the last section for the day. (yawns) 9,463 words now...today is either day 6 or 7, I'm not quite sure, LOL. Happy with the progress so far, and glad everyone's enjoying it.

And Fell, I'm glad you got that model done, it didn't like a lot of fun to try to do in NMM.

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Fell, you earned a pack of cookies by not shooting any of my showgirls lately :) Nice paint job too BTW!

edonil, Necromunda was a game that always came up with good stories, like 2 Juves sneaking along through the ruins of some old manufactorum, whispering encouragements to each other to stop cacking themselves when suddenly one of them goes silent, the other turns around and sees only shadows. Of course, gotta love it when "It Came From The Sump" is in play, hahaha.

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edonil, Necromunda was a game that always came up with good stories, like 2 Juves sneaking along through the ruins of some old manufactorum, whispering encouragements to each other to stop cacking themselves when suddenly one of them goes silent, the other turns around and sees only shadows. Of course, gotta love it when "It Came From The Sump" is in play, hahaha.

Nice! This is the kind of stuff I love about skirmish games...which is why I'm looking forward to playing Killzone.

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Nice! This is the kind of stuff I love about skirmish games...which is why I'm looking forward to playing Killzone.

Not heard much about Killzone, but I might have to check it out to see what it's all about ;)

Okay, that looks like a fun twist to try out some time :)

BTW Abs, in case you didn't already know it, your are a star!

~Has the Gothic Showgirls decorate ABs with lots of gold stars to show off his star status~

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The micron pens I picked up at pearl paints , 005 is a nice size for minatures . I learned about them from Jen Healy's site , she does her tattoo work with them .

I am sure there are also places to order them from the web . they run about $3 a piece .

They do need dry time though so after applying them try not to smudge the ink before it dries .

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