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~The Gothic Showgirls rush off and Goth up Colette who giggles with glee as she gets to join in the fun. Hiding in a cupboard peeking round the door is Cassandra who just buries her head in there hands with dismay at her boss's enjoyment of all the nonsense.~

Edited by LonelyPath
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hmmm... Soli strikes me as the kind of Lady who would go home after a really crappy day, draw a super hot bath, and soak until the water was cold... She'd drink Mead and light candles... And when she was done, she'd put on some super comfortable clothes, brush her hair out, and read a book...

And then Jensen would show up with Beer and chips, and she'd want to watch the instant replays of the day :)

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Speaking of writing, i had a go at writing an ABsolution Black prequel, but i must have been in a weird mood because it was soooo dark.....didn't like it so scrapped it all.....too dark, even for Malifaux..

Its hard to get motivated at the moment lol


That's an impressive amount of dark...

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...either I'm a better writer than I thought, or you've got an astounding ability to fill in details, Fell...because that's the idea I was aiming for with Soli...

not so much Jensen, but eh.


I cheated....

my BA is in English... my concentration was in Creative writing... but I learned that I LOVE to edit... I'm a details nazi... If the details aren't important, I want you to scrap them (and will tell you so). My mind tends to fill in the blanks....

From the way you described Soli, how she is graceful and powerful, I could tell you wanted her to be feminine without being soft.... *shrugs*

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Yeah, shame you deleted it AB, I'd have saved it and then later come back to see what could be done with it.

Fell, very true with that Hamelin piece, that was very dark indeed, though if you go out and read some of the things Richard Layman wrote before he died... that man was sick I tell you!

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That's some impressive cheating, Fell, lol. Right now I've only got a paragraph written up for the next scene, but would you mind looking over it? See if it gives you the same feel, I mean. I can PM it to you. Maybe that'll get the muse out of her post-work stupor...

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What are you aiming for with it, anyway?

It was a piece to sort of explain his background...partly his childhood (which contained the icky part) and his training as an assassin, trying to convey how he became as he is now..his rage, his confidence but also his weaknesses....

I just wasn't happy...luckily i'd only written about three paragraphs or so...

wow Abs... That's dark... 0_0

Yup....i shocked even myself!!

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~Notices some of the gothic showgirls eying Fell and then looking through a collection of gothic lolita outfits~

Well, I've given up discouraging them, Fell, be merciful if they get over eager ;)

~Gets up and walks toward the exit with most of the Gothic Showgirls in tow~

Right, off to paint some models now, see you all later.

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