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psh... no reprecussions *pauses as a secondary explosion goes off* okay NOW there are no reprecussions ;)

And I haven't blown anything up all week! I haven't SHOT anything all week... I haven't doen anything violent since las FRIDAY... I'm allowed to have fun and mess with all you Arcanists in the process :)

btw: I find it slightly ironic (funny... amazing) that there are SO many arcanists out there, yet the NB are the ones who win consistantly.... 0_0

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Well i think it comes down to the fact we are keeping some factions in check!

Fell, you definitely have the Arcanists whipped ;) and I handle the ressers...we hardly ever see any now.

Outcasts (represented by our most persistent gremlin) are usually easy to control...;)

Which just leaves those pesky Borners...theres just too many to contain unfortunately....but their time will end!

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*enters through the door opposite Fell emptying a fire extinguisher behind him before putting out the persistent flame on his shoulder*

I am NEVER going to trap any puppets with stuff like that going on...

that's because your trying too hard, here like this throws a cookie into a box watches several puppets jump in before closing the box

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~Sends a few of my Showgirls out to deal with the ever growing Neverborn issue~

That should even things up a little :)

And no Fell, bad Fell! Not the Star! Now where am I gonna go to keep myself busy in the evenings!?

~Blows up Lady J's quarters~

There, now we're even :P

Edited by LonelyPath
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*Grumbles and sits up against the Monolith* I think all this constant discussion about balance and circular arguements is starting to really wear on me. How many times can people say the same thing differently and expect others to take it.

Just.... gah... *bangs head on the Monolith*

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