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If not for that email then someone else could have had it.

Thats it blame the email! ;)

Ha, would you believe that in all the posts i have made in this thread, I have not once hit any of the 1000 markers!

I have tried a few times but usually KArn or Fell gazzump me!

And my book 3 is on its way too....happy times!

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~Gets everyone who already has book three to hold up their copies to make Steam and AB jealous~ heheheh.

Hatchet, I finished DI with Xian at levl 37, but you can start over again with none of your XP or items lost (YAY! I get to keep my wakizashi that does 1500+ damage (plus electrical damage and something like a 60% chance of critical, lol) per blow!)).

I want to try multiplayer, but I lack Gold and a headset to make either possible (or worthwhile in the case of the headset).

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~Gets everyone who already has book three to hold up their copies to make Steam and AB jealous~ heheheh.

*glares at Lonely Path, fingers triggers menacingly*

No-one likes a show off.....

Can't find my dreamer model :(

Sucks..though its that small, he could be hiding anywhere! Hope he turns up soon...

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As is the way with the best plans. Which reminds me....

*Removes ACME Puppet traps from their boxes and begins placing a few near the coffee monolith*

Fell's gonna get you for that. Enjoy eternity in a pine box.

Well, she will probably be alright with it....after all, the ultimate aim is to keep the thread as puppet free as possible.

*shoots at a puppet hastily dragging a slice of cherry pie back into the shadows*

Dang it! Missed! Must be slipping......

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*staggers in, looking more tired than yesterday*

How is it... that I got more sleep last night than I have in a while... and I'm more tired... XP

Trap away... I gave up my claim... got bored...

*sits down with a huge book on her knees, a Peacebringer sitting on the page she isn't reading*

BTW: I think Abs had at least one "1000 post" but... due to all the shifting to get numbers like 15000, they're all off by... up to six... *shrugs*

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*Wanders in, limping slightly* My freaking legs are sore as heck from Monday, even worse today then yesterday and I'm to go abuse them today again... I must be crazy. *chuckles to himself before settling down next to the Coffee Monolith but jumps up suddenly as he sits on a trap* YEARGH!

Oi! Whats all this about! *points to the trap on his rear*

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