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I think the southern US would suit me just fine... South West might be better (less humidity... brighter sun *looks at ghostly "tan" skin* maybe not...).


I know people complain about global warming.. and I'm sure that in some places it seems like that... but this is the coldest I've been this early in the fall in a long time. I don't usually get this cold unless it's a wet rainy fall.... If this is the fall (which isn't really Fall yet, until Friday) I dread the winter... humid winters bring lots of snow... XP

I find I prefer the Pacific Northwest. The climate is MUCH milder!

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As many of you know, I work at a high school in a computer lab.

This year, we have partitioned off 1/3 of the room for use by tutors (which should be in use any day now). When students come in, many of them go to the three computers on the other side of the partition, and I have to ask them to come back to the computers in the other 2/3rds of the room.

Wouldn't it seem obvious, in a room with ONE teacher (ed tech... WHATEVER) that sitting where I can't see you isn't okay? I feel like... They are being willfully stupid when they think they can sit over there. It just doesn't make sense!


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Yay Regnak!! Have some fun for me! I seem to have left my fun in Indy... I'm fairly certain someone from Wyrd picked it up, but they wont return it.... *narrows eyes at all of the Wyrd guys lurking in the shadows*

*Puts on a cone hat and blows a party horn*

*Looks at Fell who doesn't seem impressed*

*Doubles his efforts*

*Jumps on a unicycle, balances an ale on his head while juggling piglets and singing a guild inspired song*

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Yay Regnak!! Have some fun for me! I seem to have left my fun in Indy... I'm fairly certain someone from Wyrd picked it up, but they wont return it.... *narrows eyes at all of the Wyrd guys lurking in the shadows*

I could always attempt some kind of commotion.... putting me in my gremlin place always raises a smile?! :D

*Offers Fell an ale (GUILD CERTIFIED OF COURSE! ;))*

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