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I had the option to get one of those Nightmare Teddys, I am personally not a fan of skinny Teddy. I enjoy the bigger beefier one with the heart. Just a personal preference I suppose, but I like the fact that Teddy stands there like a bouncer that won't let you into anything but inside it's teeth. I like your paintjob though, especially that glow coming from the eyes.

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hmmmm...i guess it will be explained at some point.

Right, spent the last ten minutes drawing up my shopping list for payday this friday:

Avatar sonnia

Alternate sonnia


Soulstone Miner

Large Steampunk Arachnid

Quite a nice bundle, I am happy with what i have now master wise, so just filling out the minions and then all the alternatives and |Avatars when they get released (plus a few of thr new book stuff, and Molly and Kaeris!)

So hopefully, i won't be broke from now on!

Anyway, will probably buzz off now and get some dinner....see you guys tomorrow if not before!

Oh, and deffo become a henchman Chocobo!

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