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I know what you mean mate, it's not always easy to stay positive. No one can do it forever. Just try to take it easy and tackle issues one at a time and don't get yourself overloaded. It helps me a little when I do that, it also means that problems that can wait, don't end up putting more stress and pressure on me.

I hope you get it all sorted out soon :)

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I know what you mean mate, it's not always easy to stay positive. No one can do it forever. Just try to take it easy and tackle issues one at a time and don't get yourself overloaded. It helps me a little when I do that, it also means that problems that can wait, don't end up putting more stress and pressure on me.

I hope you get it all sorted out soon :)

Thanks, I very much the sort of person that tries to do to much get overloaded with it

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Don't get me started on the first Dead Rising... OTIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSS!!!!! I HATE YOU OTIS!!!! I HOPE YOU DIE A SLOW AND FIERY DEATH FOR ALL TIME!!!!! Yeah, I'm still working on the missions too, heh. Done the 2nd one loads of times, but still got things to do, like rescue the Tape It Or Die crew which I finally got access to on my latest way through, etc.

I have Dead Island on order right now and looking forward to that ;) heheh.

YEah... my friend showed me the trailer for Dead Island the other day... looks awesome! :D LEt me know if worth getting. Just expensive times coming up... got the Legendary version of Gars 3 soon which is £100... then on 11.11.11 got Skyrim... then I MAY depending what the demo is like get SpaceMArine...

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Chocobo - no problem mate, just take it easy ;)

Also, Fell's got a Doppelganger? GET IT!!!

Regnak - I'll be sure to let people know what I think of Dead Island. I've been following the development on and off for about 4 years now and it just looks better and better. The gameplay looks interesting, but there's nothing like trying it out first hand ;) Space Marine is one I'll get when it comes down in price, heheh ;)

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Chocobo - no problem mate, just take it easy ;)

Also, Fell's got a Doppelganger? GET IT!!!

Regnak - I'll be sure to let people know what I think of Dead Island. I've been following the development on and off for about 4 years now and it just looks better and better. The gameplay looks interesting, but there's nothing like trying it out first hand ;) Space Marine is one I'll get when it comes down in price, heheh ;)

So wait, does Fells double look like her in real life as well?

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I just got done replaying bioshock 1 & 2 last week, and starting back up on my borderland file. Waiting for their next installments, gears 3, and Zombie Island. Anyway I got to go to work.

*puts on goggles, and a scarf then jumps in karn's ride and scoots off to work! :D *

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*emerges from the cellar, yawning*

Spent an hour last night, around 5am, configuring an array of Tupperware containers in my basement, hoping to catch the drips and drops from a leak buried deep in my kitchen sink, all the while trying to be stealth and not wake up the wife and kid.

Rough night. Didn't eat a single brain.



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ok just got back from setting up and prepping my hurricane supplies , just filled 3 25 gallon rubbermade bins with water , flashlights , lanterns , glow sticks , matches , charcoal (in case i have to cook outside if gaslines are closed for a few days , ammo , blankets , canned and dried food , also have a bag packed for everymember in the house with one weeks of needed supplies ( in case we had to walk all the way upstate to our family home in the mountains ) .

I always meant to set up those bug out bags but never got around to it , this kinda lit a fire to do so , even if we don't need them , its better to have them .

plus our normal pantry could sustain us for at least a week .

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