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I'm not sure anything from GW gets any official love anymore...so sick of that company... -_-

Well, I have my issues with them...but there are still areas I like about them too:

I love the minis, well, most of them....but the prices are just that too much for me to buy into now...

I love the Heresy novels series...I am a fluff nut so this has been great for me..Same for Gaunts Ghosts.

Their customer service is fantastic. i had ONE piece of a Land raider kit missing....they sent me a whole new kit!!

so although they seem to be self destructing, there are some things I still love..

I will even admit to still having a WD subscription....gives me something to flick through in my ever decreasing spare moments!

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Get the motion sensors installed on her windows to *nods*

What about tracking bracelets? Those can be fashionable XD

lol....we are already smudging her name and she isn't even two months old! I'm sure with the right guidance form myself and my wife, she will grow up well behaved and a responsible young adult.......

*fingers crossed*

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Good morning all!

And I know this is going back like 50 posts but...

I'm wondering since when have hugs been treated as physical attacks?

Then again, they could be extremely aggressive delivered at the end of a mad sprint and10 foot leap...

Princess, are you THAT type of hugger? ;)

Seriously Lonely...have you not noticed how Hayzel ALWAYS hugs people? More like tackles, than hugs. :P

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Just remember the three rules and youll be fine:

Don't ever get them wet. Keep them away from bright light. And the most important thing, the one thing you must never forget: no matter how much they cries, no matter how much they beg . . . never, ever feed them after midnight...

Lol, i think they were mogwai princess! ;)

Good morning all!

And I know this is going back like 50 posts but...

Seriously Lonely...have you not noticed how Hayzel ALWAYS hugs people? More like tackles, than hugs. :P

*rubs back*

Yup, still have the bruises to prove it!

And hello Regnak....Fell has your ear!

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Hi guys!

*sticks Regnak's ear in her bag*

What's up with everyone today?

:puppy: Thank you Fell! :D

I just hope I can work out where everything goes... I'm sure there is nothing worse than having a head for an ass and and ass for a head! :D

Oh... and no comments about my "Declare Thyself" photo saying it looks like that already! :D

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@ Steam - sadly, no "official" Cult list since 3rd edition that that one was in the Citadel Journal. The last true official list was in the 2nd edition Codex: Tyranids :(

@ Ab -I hear you man, the prices are horrible on the most part! Have you seen the new herald of tzeentch on disc? £22.60 for a lump of rubbery resin that has over a 60% chance of being flawed... Ass for replacements, Customer Services now require a return of the kit before they'll send a replacement. Some people took advantage of the system (I know 1 person that scored 3 free Baneblades and at least 10 other tanks by scamming them) and spoiled it for the rest of us. Still, the turn aroundis usually having the relpacement in 3 or 4 working days after sending yours off so it's not to bad.

Some spoilers for the Stealer Cults list on what is making a come back...


Brood brothers

Genestealers (naturally)



Explosive Collars(!)

Hybrids (1st - 4th)

Coven Limos (now Civilian Vehicles)





New stuff:


Looted tanks

Enslaved Orks

Cult Warbands (think like the Inquisitorial ones)

Corrupt Bureaucrats

And, umm... lots of other goodies. I am still in the process of working out more units to go into the list, so if anyone has ideas, let me know and I'll see if they fit or not. I don't think 25 list entries are enough for a full army when they normally get 40 - 46 on average now.

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