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I hope you manage to do it Regnak, I know I'd hate to have those shifts!

Will try my best! :)

Looking forward to the days ahead.. especially payday! :D

Well... I'm at work and a couple of hours into my shift.... how the devil is everyone tonight? :D

Edited by Regnak
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I bet you're looking forward to payday! LOL!

I'm okay though thanks. Got some spasms in my right shoulder and arm, but that's not going to stop me planning more on that All Flesh campaign I am putting together. Should have put together enough things to keep even the best players bust for a good 6 months and if they think things are tough at the point in the campaign I just wrote, just they wait and see what's to follow ~steeples fingers and smiles evilly~

Edited by LonelyPath
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Not even halfway through my first night and I am shattered! :(

Am also really wanting my Gen Con order ASAP! I know it will be weeks away maybe even a month (shudder) but I want it now!!!! :D

Sorry to hear that mate :( Maybe you can sneak in a nap when no one's looking ;) heheh.

I know how you feel on the Gencon order though, I can't wait for mine to arrive either!!!!

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Eight, I think I've written enough for a All Flesh campaign for one night, it's time to go tuck myself in bed and do some light reading and perhaps falls asleep whilst doing so and lose my page (it happens at least once a week).

Night all and may your dreams be sweet (unless you prefer sours).

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Well, if it's an aleviation of boredome we seek, then I shall begin the sing-a-long.


~Gosh it disturb me to see you Gaston, looking so down in the dumps. Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston, even when taking your lumps. There's no man in town as admired as you; you're everyone's favorite guy. Everyone's awed and inspired by you, and it's not very hard to see whyyyyyyyyy...

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