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The world needs a more effective riot control method , see If I was in charge I call it the super shock wave . some places use a fire hose , some use shields and bats , some dogs , and some stinky paint balls that make you want to vomit , and finally tear gas . I say to stop a riot the fastest I would use all at once .

Think about it roll up to the main areas with the riot mobile ( a giant truck with all above items ready to go ) fire in the tear gas as that's setting in blast the fire hose , once the teargas clears you stop the hose and send in the dogs , by this point the rioters will have no heart they will be choking on tear gas and be recovering from being blasted with the fire hose , to only be nipped by well trained dogs , as there being nipped by the dogs you fire in the stinky paint balls , and finally send in the shields and batons to mop up .

this might be over the top , but rioters ruining people's homes and businesses people worked there life to achieve is messed up for sure .

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Gencon.... was exhausting XD

But it was a fun experience. Still don't have really any voice from all the demo's and talking XD

Hopefully I will sound back to normal in a few days. Otherwise UPS is bringing back most of my purchases for me and man... they do not make airplanes for 6' 5" people! My last flight had seats so close I couldn't sit straight, I had to rotate my hips to get into the seat and I'm still sore from the 2 hour flight like that XD

How is everyone else? What have I missed :)

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Random question for folks who've ordered through Wyrd before- do they send out emails when they ship stuff? Or do you walk outside one day and stumble over a package and start crying in pain and happiness as you realize that it's your Gencon order? ;)

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AB, what part of North Wales? Are you in Wrexham itself? That's only about a 40 minute drive from me (I'm in Newtown), not that I drive though, hahaha.

Yup in Wrexham. But I won't be able to have a game anytime soon, as the new arrival is taking all of my time, and sanity. But when or if I finally get some free time, I may pop to Newtown for a game..though you would be teaching me!

Won't be for a while yet though....

*Boom voice followed by a roar*


Ah crap...tidy up quick...

Gencon.... was exhausting XD

But it was a fun experience. Still don't have really any voice from all the demo's and talking XD

Hopefully I will sound back to normal in a few days. Otherwise UPS is bringing back most of my purchases for me and man... they do not make airplanes for 6' 5" people! My last flight had seats so close I couldn't sit straight, I had to rotate my hips to get into the seat and I'm still sore from the 2 hour flight like that XD

How is everyone else? What have I missed :)

Nada. Literally..We couldn't get on here one day because of the gencon sale lol!

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Karn do you know when Gencon orders will start to ship?

Umm I don't know truthfully... but as they have said on another thread, they will get on the orders a few days post Gencon once things have settled into place... or could even be today... You'd have to hit up Zee for a better answer.

Edited by karn987
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Munkey, I think Nathan said they'll start working on the internet orders today :)

I think my order was somewhere around 9150, so I may have to wait a few days for dispatch, lol!

edonil, unemployment in the UK is climbing. Blair put loads on income support (now being phased out), training courses, adult education schemes and disability to keep the numbers down. They're now cracking down on all of that, but sadly it's also putting genuinely disabled people on the job force lists (including 1 quadriplegic since they can talk! Meanwhile someone with mild anxiety is found unfit for work, yeah, that makes a lot of sense...) so all the hidden numbers are also becoming noticeable. If they put me as suitable for work (I have Muscular Dystrophy and it;s advancing faster and faster these days) I'll be contesting and appealing for all I'm worth.

Karn, I hear you man. I can't sit straight on planes either, nowhere near enough leg room and sadly since I'm disabled and can't become emergency helper status I can't grab front seats either for the much needed leg room (and lack of leg room means massive muscle spasms, grr). I have the same problems in the cinema, trains and cars for long periods. At least in trains I can wander about easier (I need to do it every 10 minutes or so) and in cars I can push the seat right back to get more room.

Edited by LonelyPath
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Munkey, I think Nathan said they'll start working on the internet orders today :)

I think my order was somewhere around 9150, so I may have to wait a few days for dispatch, lol!

edonil, unemployment in the UK is climbing. Blair put loads on income support (now being phased out), training courses, adult education schemes and disability to keep the numbers down. They're now cracking down on all of that, but sadly it's also putting genuinely disabled people on the job force lists (including 1 quadriplegic since they can talk! Meanwhile someone with mild anxiety is found unfit for work, yeah, that makes a lot of sense...) so all the hidden numbers are also becoming noticeable. If they put me as suitable for work (I have Muscular Dystrophy and it;s advancing faster and faster these days) I'll be contesting and appealing for all I'm worth.

Karn, I hear you man. I can't sit straight on planes either, nowhere near enough leg room and sadly since I'm disabled and can't become emergency helper status I can't grab front seats either for the much needed leg room (and lack of leg room means massive muscle spasms, grr). I have the same problems in the cinema, trains and cars for long periods. At least in trains I can wander about easier (I need to do it every 10 minutes or so) and in cars I can push the seat right back to get more room.

Airlines should include like...2 rows for us over 6' people. Heck I'd pay $10 or $20 extra to be able to sit in the damn seat >.>

But rough man! I can only imagine how aggravating that can really be.

Also nailed my head on the overhead bins when getting out of the plane. Stood up a little to fast and BAM! right into it ><.

Ah well.... we just need to learn how to self teleport and it will all be fine... *strokes beard*

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Airlines should include like...2 rows for us over 6' people. Heck I'd pay $10 or $20 extra to be able to sit in the damn seat >.>

But rough man! I can only imagine how aggravating that can really be.

Also nailed my head on the overhead bins when getting out of the plane. Stood up a little to fast and BAM! right into it ><.

Ah well.... we just need to learn how to self teleport and it will all be fine... *strokes beard*

Aye, no one realizes how much us taller people suffer. Like you I'd gladly pay a bit extra for those extra 6 - 12" of leg space as that's all that would be needed. Also, they need to remember we're at greater risk of frostbite and hypothermia since we get snow caps in late August (it's not dandruff people :P) that run right through to May the following year.

Self teleporters would be fantastic though, now if only that university in Wales that did the first successful teleportation experiment would get a move on and get it working for us! Though I think it'd be funnier if they called it something else just to mess up Star Trek, hahaha!

Oh, and welcome back sKeTCH!!!!! :D

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