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Well, I'm hoping to hear back from a friend at some point today about heading out tomorrow and tonight it's Malifaux at another friends house (Sonnia vs Raspy), apart from that I got no real plans as usual, lol. How about you?

Anyone got actual plans for the weekend or just seeing what turns up?

I know how you feel about not being as spy as you used to be. I'm 36 with the body of a 500yr old I swear, hahaha.

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No proper fun plans. Housework that I've been putting off, can crushing for recycling. Probably some more painting for the Tale and scenery building. Haven't had a game in weeks now. If the weather stays nice then some work in the garden.

Plus computer games of course.

Edited by SteamHammer
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Ah, good old computer games, I'm pretty much hooked on my Xbox these days, especially Resident Evil 5 for the Desperate Escape chapter.

Tonight's my first Malifaux game in a while, though at least I get to play 40k each week. I may complain about GW and their prices but thankfully I've been gaming for over 25 years with them so there's not much I ever need to buy these days, heh. Just as well with Malifaux eating up all my gaming budget hahaha!

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Other than a small box of things that didn't sell (one day I might try again) I finished eBaying my GW stuff last year as I hadn't had a game in ages.

Of course, fate having a twisted sense of humour, that made someone at work ask me if I want to do any wargaming. And here I am.

I haven't played on my Xbox in a while. Can't use a gamepad for anything with crosshairs. PC gaming for me at the moment.

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I struggle with FPS myself, but then I'm generally not a fan of those games, though I do have L4D 1 & 2 since they contain zombies and so no (my blurb does state zombie and showgirl nerd), but I like things like Lego Batman/Priates/Star Wars, Dead Rising, Arcania, Final Fantasy, COmmand & Conquer and so on. That reminds me, I still have a few PC Games I've not played, like a couple of Age of Empires things and so on. They've been sat on the desk for close to a year now!

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I'm playing the Witcher 2 when in the mood to focus on the game and a Heroes of Might and Magic 5 expansion when I don't want something too fast. Once I've finished the Witcher I'll give the Dawn of War 2 stuff I got in the Steam sale a go. I played the main game of that when it came out but that must be a couple of years back now.

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It was pretty good 4 years ago, just that things are outdated like the memory and motherboard, so if I was to change anything on the motherboard it's require a ground up refit on that. Something I'm trying to put off as long as possible. For instance, it still takes DDR1 RAM! lol! The guy that original built it did it cheap for gaming at the time, which was fine back then since he builds a new pc each year, but games tend to max it out these days since it barely meets the minimum requirement of games that came out a couple of years ago.

Still, the pc cost me nothing since he gave it to me, but i did buy the monitor off him almost new (for less than £30!) since he got it cheap and then found another that was better and added more RAM, plus a new internal and extra HD, oh and I put in a better PSU since the other ran a little to hot for my tastes (he did say it was a temp one at least). I'm not complaining. Had it for over 2 years myself and it's cost me less than £100 thanks to deals through people that work through companies and lucky finds (like 1TB external drive for £20 when they were going for £100+ through a electrical engineer friend who works for a company that had excess and sold them off and the extra DDR1 from a company that had old stock to get rid of) :)

The most expensive thing was the internal drive, but that didn't cost to much.

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Heya Hatchet and thanks for clearing out the rabble!

I'm still trying to decide what to take with Sonnia tonight (25SS) (3 Witchlings is a no-brainer), just trying to decide between Nino or Executioner. I like Sammael but he dies far to easily and Nino is great to mowing down anything short of a Master, meanwhile the Exec. gets to charge in a rip people s faces off before eating them...

Decisions, decisions...

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Heya Hatchet and thanks for clearing out the rabble!

I'm still trying to decide what to take with Sonnia tonight (25SS) (3 Witchlings is a no-brainer), just trying to decide between Nino or Executioner. I like Sammael but he dies far to easily and Nino is great to mowing down anything short of a Master, meanwhile the Exec. gets to charge in a rip people s faces off before eating them...

Decisions, decisions...

Welp, as someone who faces Guild constantly in my meta, given the choice, I'd honestly prefer to see an Executioner instead of Niño. And that's coming from a Resurrectionsit! They're both a pain in the ass, but Niño is a special kind of hell. There's a reason that smarmy little donkey makes it into almost every Guild list ever.

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