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The Zoraida models are great, makes me want to collect a crew (I never liked the original). As for the alt. Pandora, I think it's a improvement over the original. I just did not like the head or hair on the original which has kept me from painting any of the Pandora models I've bought. I'll be getting the alt. though. Can't afford any avatars at the moment, but I'll be getting some of those when they come out properly ;)

In the meantime, I've given up trying to place a order today. Took me over a hour to add 1 item and when I finally managed to add a second the first one was gone! That was over 2 hours wasted. I'll try again tomorrow.

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Great stories Abs. Thanks for making me give it another go.

At least there is no queue at the coffee monolith.

Cheers Steamhammer.....you read them ALL in one night....now thats madness! ;)

*looks around, sees door bulging*

Hold the fort! Keep the tide out!

Holeee Crap..this is my first, and most probably my only, post of the day as this website is sooooooo slow....Hey people, stop buying stuff...we're trying to talk here!

I tried the online store, got through after about three hours...took another two to do the order, got to the postage screen...fainted at cost. Couldn't be bothered to go back and delete something, so had a long think about stuff and decided I can wait for most of it....

Will miss out on the Undead Justice set, and possibly Miss demeanour but i can live with that!

So decided not to order anything at all, and went to maelstrom and orderd me the Marcus, Pandora and Zoraida starters as a treat lol!

So, in case its another three days before i get to post again hi to everyone, hope all are well, and if I don't get on here soon *shakes fist at hordes battering the store doors in* I will see you all next Monday to help clear up!

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*saunters in*

Well, where did the crowds go? its like 28 days later out there...empty.

I guess either the forum and shop servers are now separate, or the mad rush has died down and the servers can cope!

Either way its too late for me now, decided to forgo the limited ed purchases and get the alts and avatars when they are released.

*pours coffee*

Looks around, so guys.....wassup? We weathered the storm it seems!

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Just had another gander at the stor, running smoothly now, had chance to look at some of the alts and avatars sculpts that I plan to get in the future...

Love the Raspy alt. Likewise i think Lady J, Sonnia and Ramos have cool ones.

Marcus and Pandora are also very good sculpts that improve on the originals..Pandora especially looks good!

But Perdita...i think this has disappointed.

As for the Avatars available, Love the Lady J and Zoraida sculpts. Not keen on Marcus or Pandora, and can take or leave the Sonnia one....but I will still end up getting the alts and avatars for all my current masters, just for completeness!!

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Seems that way. Not much in the way of damage.

I did buy stuff in the end around 11pm and the shop was working ok. Of course like any time I spend a lot of money I suddenly think "What have I done!" and regret it. But it gives me something to look forward to in the post.

Well done, its only buyers remorse lol! Hopefully you won't get stung for too much import duty, if at all!

I just decided to spend my money in the Uk with Maelstrom and ordered 3 new starters (Zoraida, Pandora and Marcus) taking me to complete Guild, Arcanist and Neverborn factions now!

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I see the gencon release stuff is actually up for pre-order already on Maelstrom.....£6.30 for the alts and £20-25 for the avatars is quite reasonable, and with them being staggered releases, won't hurt my wallet too much either!

24th Sept for the new book too....a bit of a wait, considering it will likely be October when they get delivered, but there will be enough discussion about it on here to keep me going until then!

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I'm going to wait until the alternates are out in the shop as I'd need to be either feeling rich or wanting to treat myself to buy a different version of one I've already got.

I did pick up the alternate and avater Zoraida though.

Import and post office fees are going to suck :(

I thought i heard somewhere that not every parcel gets hit? If thats true, fingers crossed you are one of the lucky ones!

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I think that's a different country. Pretty sure the UK is everything over a certain amount.

Bum...never mind, if you are expecting it and budgeted for it then I guess its an annoyance, but worth it for the goodies!

And with all these parcels coming to the Uk from Wyrd in the next few weeks, the Post office will be rubbing their hands.....

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Definitely worth it. Plus I have the terraclips stuff coming from Maelstrom to look forward to. Finally some scenery building that doesn't get glue, paint and sand everywhere. And my brother is up here visiting in a few weeks. August will be a good month for me. #touch wood#

Already off to a good start as I tried my homebrew beer on Wednesday night and it was good. My only other encounter with homebrew was back in uni and you'd have to have no taste buds to have even called that stuff drinkable.

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Definitely worth it. Plus I have the terraclips stuff coming from Maelstrom to look forward to. Finally some scenery building that doesn't get glue, paint and sand everywhere. And my brother is up here visiting in a few weeks. August will be a good month for me. #touch wood#

Already off to a good start as I tried my homebrew beer on Wednesday night and it was good. My only other encounter with homebrew was back in uni and you'd have to have no taste buds to have even called that stuff drinkable.

lol Homebrew....not tried it myself..as you said my previous experience was tasting a friends bitter at uni...horrible stuff.

Though my brothers homebrew cider was ..... interesting....it tasted more like wine by the time he'd remembered about it! made the stomach hurt a little the next day, but was seriously good to get drunk quickly!

Probably poisonous too, but we were young and reckless.... ;)

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