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~ducks behind some cover after seeing AB line up that big cannon at me~

Yikes, that thing's eneormous! Everyone, gang up on AB!!!!

~fires wildly in AB's direction while staying hidden from him~

Heh, bring it on!

*Spins turret, spraying water in all directions*

Ooh what does this button do?

*presses button. Water grenades stream out, arcing towards the others*

Cool.....I must thank Lobo for this tech...

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#Freezes water grenade in mid air only to be hit in the face by a block of ice#

Ow. Should have thought that one through more.

lol. Too easy.

*Stops water cannon. Two smaller guns pop out from sides. Presses button, and they fire rapid bursts of water*

Fantastic! oh, whats happening?....

*watches as water reserves dry up, leaving ABs high and dry*

Ah crap.......

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~Activates personal decoys (AKA - shop mannequins dressed appropriately) to confuse my enemies while I go get bigger guns~

~Also shoots Munkey on my way to get some more people involved~

*Turns water into a snowball and throws it at Lonely and each of the mannequins

Oi! Stop using that shower gel, you smell like HARIBO!!

Hayzel don't eat him!

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Morning Wyrdos. And wow...you guys are being Wyrd today. Karn has barely been gone a few hours, LOL.

I'll be out of touch the next several days too. Got WAY too much to do still before I leave tomorrow....AHHHH

Hi Lobo...hope you enjoy Gencon! Thanks for the armour upgrades by the way! (see earlier posts)....

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