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~Sneaks back in with a fresh shipment of cookies from Earth~ Those teddies are getting worse I tell you. They're holding up the trains as they come through the Breach to get their cookie fix!

Hayzel, I thought Dark of the Moon was okay, I did enjoy it though :) Not a patch on the G1 movie (which is one of the greatest movies ever!).

Meanwhile I'm celebrating my birthday for the next 24 hours (except the part when I'll be sleeping). It's so good to turn 25 (for the 11th year running, hahahaha).



nuff said

*collapses on the throne* My! what an eventful night!

Transformers was great i thought. I loved the pretty sploshions (explosions to those who dont speak princess) and I am still in love with BumbleBee. I want him instead of a Hamster.... *idea* :o


At lest your not naming him after Rodimus Prime


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#Strolls in with a picnic basket#

Morning all. Bacon and black pudding buns for everyone! There's even one with a candle in for LonelyPath, make a wish.

I kicked A** tonight at Malifaux!!! 50ss Scrap (Guild v Neverborn) took us two hours to finish...

Takes me two hours to finish a 25ss game. Maybe I need to cut down on the beer.

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YAAAAAAAAAAY *dances* SteamHammer you are a wonderful addition to our group! :) I'd like to give you this as a token of my appreciation.

*hands SteamHammer a little purple box* You mustn't open it just yet do you hear? Sometimes it may make a noise but you MUST NOT open it. Not just yet anyway. :)

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Did someone say strawberry laces? Any going spare...but in lime flavour...green sweets are the bomb you know!

*looks around*

Ah, Steamhammer...and you've bought breakfast...oh, do you have a veggie option? Since living in Malifaux I've found this option the wise choice...you never know what meat you're eating otherwise...

And chocobo...has someone been tying you up?

*sees strawberry laces*

Ah, that explains that.....well, keep pecking away, you'll get out eventually...

And Princess....*plants a kiss on her cheek*

Thats just for being you! And not threatening to kill me ...(yet!)

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Erm, veggie option.

Of course good sir, allow me to interest you in this bun. But these aren't just any buns. No these are Sparks & Mancer's buns. Baked with the finest dough in a traditional soulstone oven (disclaimer: oven maybe powered by the souls of innocent waifs) and dusted with some strange powder I found in the cupboard.

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Erm, veggie option.

Of course good sir, allow me to interest you in this bun. But these aren't just any buns. No these are Sparks & Mancer's buns. Baked with the finest dough in a traditional soulstone oven (disclaimer: oven maybe powered by the souls of innocent waifs) and dusted with some strange powder I found in the cupboard.


*inspects buns*

They do smell nice....and they look very tempting. If only i could try them out on someone else first, just to see how they react....

*Rubs chin thoughtfully. Sees Chocobo tangled in Strawberry laces*

Hey Chocobo! Wanna try some lovely buns?

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Lol Abs i do hope your not trying to poison my chocobo! yummy bacon buns tho Steamy

Of course not, merely observing the effect Steam's buns have on the general populace...its all market research....


*watches Chocobo intently for a reaction*

*Rolls into the thread and yawns* Damn you mornings! I shall defeat you some day!

How is everyone? Still rather tuckered out myself, just bouncing from one thing to the next thing to the next thing to the next..... you get the idea XD

Heh, Hard to imagine you bouncing....... ;)

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Of course not, merely observing the effect Steam's buns have on the general populace...its all market research....

*watches Chocobo intently for a reaction*

Heh, Hard to imagine you bouncing....... ;)

Oh I can bounce... just not very well XD

And what's all this about steam buns?

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Mmmm... Strawberry Laces (grabs loads and puts them all in my mouth).... like my Cthulhu impression??? IA!!!!

Chcobo, thanks for the you tube vid, always loved that song!!!!

Princess, as it's friday (and my birthday, YAY!!!) I'm feeling generous, so here's a exclusive performance by the Can-Canning Teddies of Malifaux! (lets them come out and perform their special can-can for you). You'll never see anything like it ever again ;) Plus, awesome if you name a Hamster Bumblebee, though he's gotta transform into a VW Beetle ;) heheheh

And everyone, there be thousands of cookies on the table, grab them before the Teddies see them and eat them all instead ;)

Edited by LonelyPath
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