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Another great thing is what they do is that when people have been unemployed for over 3 months they change those people to a category of "long term unemployed" which aren't accounted for when releasing the "unemployed" statistics to hold those statistics down. :D 

yep, they do that here too. I think it's a longer time scale, but not by too much.

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Then you add those two together. Jobs that aren't out there really and way more people unemployed than the statistics show. Except how they announce it is "We have everything under control, there are a lot of jobs out there and not so many people unemployed" :D 

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Another great thing is what they do is that when people have been unemployed for over 3 months they change those people to a category of "long term unemployed" which aren't accounted for when releasing the "unemployed" statistics to hold those statistics down. :D 

They have been forced to publish both statistics here... but they use other tricks. Like, if you're ill for some days, you be dropped from the statistic for the month. Really irritating.

There are a lot of open positions here, but sadly none that any people want to do. It has been established that only an academic or engineer does something worthwhile. 50% of young people want to get into university. Those refugees might be the last chance we have, sadly.

I'm self-employed. Means I don't have to look for openings. Also means that I have to look for customers. Both suck. Good thing the stupid pilots want to ruin my wife's employer, so I cannot even count on that money. Bleargh.

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Hm.. What do you mean people don't want to do? 

And what makes you so sure that the refugees will do those jobs? 

Stuff like carpentering, factory work, metal working, where you need to commit your life to it but will never end earning as much as in banking or sales.... people don't want those jobs. Last year, 60.000 apprenticeships in those areas remained empty. It seems like the Germans abandon those trades. They are good jobs, but somehow... not that trendy.

I think that the refugees coming to Germany will be pretty glad to be offered jobs that pay well, and are not fought over. I hear, BMW and Daimler-Benz are already recruiting at the refugee camps in Munich.

Don't get me wrong: There'll be exploitation and resentment. We area capitalist state after all. I just think that there's a chance for all of us to profit from the situation. Ever the optimist. ;)

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Hm.. What do you mean people don't want to do? 

And what makes you so sure that the refugees will do those jobs? 

Stuff like carpentering, factory work, metal working, where you need to commit your life to it but will never end earning as much as in banking or sales....

Seriously what the fuck? I would give my goddamn soul to work in carpentering instead of going back to sales no matter how much less it pays. :D

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Hm.. What do you mean people don't want to do? 

And what makes you so sure that the refugees will do those jobs? 

Stuff like carpentering, factory work, metal working, where you need to commit your life to it but will never end earning as much as in banking or sales....

Seriously what the fuck? I would give my goddamn soul to work in carpentering instead of going back to sales no matter how much less it pays. :D

Going to sales means you will sell your soul anyway after all ;)

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Where did the u disappear? Stupid lazy people. Use the goddamn u. 

maybe their keyboards don't have the letter?

To be fair we are on an American company's forum so we shouldn't really complain (too loudly).

If they feel the need to trash the English language even more than it already is, they have the right! :)

What makes me laugh about it all though is the way they take perfectly acceptable names for things and decide to change them ;)


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