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Soo... you sat through it because you were curious how shitty it would get?

lol, no..because I wanted to see how they linked it to the Alien movies. Still none the wiser! :D

Yeah I did the same.. I regret watching it. 

I can see how some things were trying to link, but it just wasn't believable, or it stretched the belief a bit too far. I think they made it more complicated than it actually needed to be!

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With films I seem to have this twenty minute zone.  if a film doesn't grab me I tend to switch it off and find something else. Obviously I can't do that in the cinema so I have to be selective what I go and see...

The last film I tried to watch was the Evil Dead 'remake'.  Got so annoyed with the obnoxious characters by the first fifteen minutes I was like 'yup, you can all die' and switched channels!

It doesn't help that I love the original so much so it probably influenced my thinking..

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I often don't watch movies at all. Just a select few.

I will give any movie a chance..any movie.  Sometimes I wish I hadn't but then sometimes you unearth an unexpected gem. 

And sometimes you just watch a fat guy run naked in the woods instead of an awesome looking werewolf. 

Stupid romasanta and it's misleading cover. 

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Hey Ed. Not too well, I fear. Got bad news. Again.

Wasn't lesbian vampire killers that movie where obnoxious white fluid splattered everywhere so they could do some sperm jokes?

it probably is..it wasn't ever supposed to be award winning!  I think the guys just got together at 3am and thought, yup, that's a good idea!

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Hope everything is okay, PD and D

Meh, just a bad monday, lack of sleep, and depressing weather. Will most likely get better tomorrow.

Hey Ed. Not too well, I fear. Got bad news. Again.

Wasn't lesbian vampire killers that movie where obnoxious white fluid splattered everywhere so they could do some sperm jokes?

it probably is..it wasn't ever supposed to be award winning!  I think the guys just got together at 3am and thought, yup, that's a good idea!

With such a title, what else would you expect?

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Hey Ed. Not too well, I fear. Got bad news. Again.

Wasn't lesbian vampire killers that movie where obnoxious white fluid splattered everywhere so they could do some sperm jokes?

Could be better. Much better.

I'm sorry you guys. :/ Seems to be that kind of day for a few people I know.

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So, it's kinda interesting. When I got home from Gencon, no one could really care about Malifaux. However, yesterday, I had seven players sign up to play a Shifting Loyalties campaign, and probably going to have two more who weren't there. Including two brand new players who are just getting their stuff together starting yesterday.

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