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Phrasing. Boom.

Neverborn, Pandora, Zoraida and Lilith. I brought 35 total models, including 6 mercenaries. I went in with no gameplan, just generalized toolbox.

Best moment was Ama No Zako being down to 2 Wd with Burning 2, locked in with Mei Feng and a Rail Golem, with my opponent about to score 3 VP for Murder Protege after Mei just charged and wailed on her. Ama swings twice on the Rail, hits twice, triggers heal twice, kills the golem, pops hazardous terrain aura, he activates Emberling who takes the hazardous terrain flip, max damage, kills his only chance to get her before time was called. Glorious :D



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I feel crap. I didn't sleep well over the weekend and I didn't go to an infinity tournament on Sunday because after my first game back on Thursday it sucked hard. Rather than spend quality time with GF I had to sleep.

And as part of this rant: I hate getting screwed by dice! What is supposed to be a hobby and takes a lot of time investment doesn't feel satisfying. I'm tempted to sell off lots of it. And I know this is why my malifaux itch is coming back badly but nowhere plays it near me. gaaah!


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Busy at work in between writing up a 40k battle report and sorting out a Dropzone Commander list


At the risk of sounding like a complete neverborn with Depression I cannot stand DZC. I tried it spent about £150 on it and just no. Always miss on a 1 and then always fail to damage on a 1?  Gaah!!

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That game looked VERY interesting when I saw it this past weekend. Synopsis?

I've had 2 games so far an I am enjoying it immensely, its pretty fast paced and IMHO it is pretty much what Epic 40k should have been, personally if I hadn't picked up the Scourge I would not enjoy the game as much as I do as they pretty much fit my playstyle perfectly (skulk around until the perfect time to launch a devastating strike). Its a pretty cool game that is objective driven and the Starter Set gives you practically 50% of the terrain and game mats that you need for games. Picking up a 2nd set diminishes your firepower somewhat but gives a very handy army for completing the missions

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I've had 2 games so far an I am enjoying it immensely, its pretty fast paced and IMHO it is pretty much what Epic 40k should have been, personally if I hadn't picked up the Scourge I would not enjoy the game as much as I do as they pretty much fit my playstyle perfectly (skulk around until the perfect time to launch a devastating strike). Its a pretty cool game that is objective driven and the Starter Set gives you practically 50% of the terrain and game mats that you need for games. Picking up a 2nd set diminishes your firepower somewhat but gives a very handy army for completing the missions

Also destroying buildings so you can cripple and kill your opponents models is a fantastic idea!!

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That game looked VERY interesting when I saw it this past weekend. Synopsis?


I dropped it after about 6 weeks. There's a definite 'newer stuff is better' edge and it's way too random. Especially things like finding objectives. You could camp a building all game and not find it, you opponent could only pop in 1 turn and then find it. Sure it's more 'realistic' but it doesn't really reward tactics in that respect. A lot of people seem to like it though, but I find that it's expensive and I don't like d6 systems where you always fail on a 1.

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I dropped it after about 6 weeks. There's a definite 'newer stuff is better' edge and it's way too random. Especially things like finding objectives. You could camp a building all game and not find it, you opponent could only pop in 1 turn and then find it. Sure it's more 'realistic' but it doesn't really reward tactics in that respect. A lot of people seem to like it though, but I find that it's expensive and I don't like d6 systems where you always fail on a 1.

Get new dice?

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I dropped it after about 6 weeks. There's a definite 'newer stuff is better' edge and it's way too random. Especially things like finding objectives. You could camp a building all game and not find it, you opponent could only pop in 1 turn and then find it. Sure it's more 'realistic' but it doesn't really reward tactics in that respect. A lot of people seem to like it though, but I find that it's expensive and I don't like d6 systems where you always fail on a 1.


Sounds like a game for drunk nights, not serious gaming.

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That sounds like I would need to see a couple games before I made a call on it. Probably would be better if it were a turn-based strategy game on the computer. Like the Front Mission series...

I'd recommend that you play the game rather then watching it, its not really a good game for picking up by watching as there is usually a bit going on and the battle reports that I have seen are fairly poor

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That sounds like I would need to see a couple games before I made a call on it. Probably would be better if it were a turn-based strategy game on the computer. Like the Front Mission series...



It's just that I like to feel that the actions I input into a game have a better than random impact on the outcome. I do not feel that way with DZC and am starting to feel that way with infinity. Due to the cheat mechanic and limited 'roll' pool (EG 54 cards) I don't find that in Malifaux.

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I don't know if losing all the time could be classed as a wanted superpower!


And on Malifaux related note..I won the Marcus auction lol..the slippery slope beckons..


NB.  Actually looking at Dgraz's Beast list, I have almost all of them so far (apart from the unreleased stuff obviously).


And added bonus..they are built, and based on scenic..undercoated.  I only have to paint them!  ;)

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