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I only ever played in one tournament for it. The guys that frequented the same LGS were the guys who ruined that game for tournaments in my mind forever. A few months after that, I just stopped playing because everyone Page 5.


Good old Page 5. Arguably my second favorite scapegoat after terrible GW business practices in miniatures gaming.


To be honest, I think Page 5 was meant to say "look, people are going to play this game hardcore, so be ready for that and OK with losses, especially when you're just starting" and it somehow got translated as "always play as ruthlessly as possible, no matter your opponent's skill level, even if they are a newbie. Trash talk and derision are acceptable behaviors, even for newbies, because we want nothing but jerks to play."


Screw that. If people play tournament style most or all of the time, that's fine, but it's the responsibility of the local community's experienced players to help get newbies up to that level, or to ease up with folks that aren't as cutthroat. If someone is not enjoying the game, there's a problem.

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Blurgh.  After work today I have to go to my first "diabetic counseling" session.  There are four of them.  This one is going to teach me how to use those stupid lancets and figure out my blood sugar.  I hate those finger pokey things!  They scare me!  I'd rather do it with just a needle.

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The problem arises when the Page 5 mentality is the norm at an LGS, then it becomes "either be like us or be a loser" 


Yeah, it sucks when the entire game store is a bunch of assholes. I remember a guy in our local community was getting really impatient with my girlfriend who was playing her first real game of Malifaux 1.5 with the Dreamer. She ran out of the store crying. I took over and proceeded to demonstrate why additional attack triggers are no longer infinite :D I took Kaeris from untouched to dead in one activation.


The guy's not a bad guy- he's mellowed a bit since then, and a big part of it is that he's one of those people that comes off as extremely cold even when he doesn't mean to be, but I was angry that he didn't have a shred of remorse for upsetting her.


Why did i decide to go gremlin lol? Its going to cost me a fortune...figured i would need extra bayous, extra piglets and another hog whisperer. Probably a second war pig.


Once you go Gremlin, uh....next stop's the Kremlin?


This is why I don't write poetry, folks...

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Yeah, it sucks when the entire game store is a bunch of assholes. I remember a guy in our local community was getting really impatient with my girlfriend who was playing her first real game of Malifaux 1.5 with the Dreamer. She ran out of the store crying. I took over and proceeded to demonstrate why additional attack triggers are no longer infinite :D I took Kaeris from untouched to dead in one activation.


The guy's not a bad guy- he's mellowed a bit since then, and a big part of it is that he's one of those people that comes off as extremely cold even when he doesn't mean to be, but I was angry that he didn't have a shred of remorse for upsetting her.


Not to play Devils' Advocate, but lacking empathy may not have necessarily been his fault either. Granted you probably know him far better than I do, but that could a result of either the gaming environment, or even his environment at home. If he was taking pride and boasting about beating your gf in a game that would be another thing though. And I do agree that any experienced player should take it on themselves to be more patient with new players though, especially if it's their first game. That would probably be the one and most important thing I would criticize him for.


I had a similar experience with someone at my LGS back when I first started playing 40K. I had played just a few games at the time, and had recently started learning how to use a unit (Bikes, specifically). When I played against him for the first time, I got the impression that he was picking missions and deployments that benefited him specifically, and when it came to rules clarifications, he just "conveniently" forgot what they were. Needless to say, I lost, but once I got the hang of the rules and the army, I started playing much better.


A few weeks go by, and I ask if he's free for another game, and having seen what I could then do after playing for only that long, he gave me a clear indication that he was not interested in playing me anymore. And I mean even going through the trouble of scheduling a game with me, and then showing up at the LGS without his stuff and saying "oops, must've forgot".  I have no idea what's happened to him since, but he hasn't been seen at the LGS in awhile now.  I eventually learned that he had a reputation for being a douche, and deliberately doing what he did to me, to other people as well.


In any case, I'm better off now, and so is the LGS. Part of the problem then was that the people that worked there catered too much to that childish behavior, and then did NOTHING about it when it started causing problems. Now that there are actually people who enjoy playing the game AND value the time their new players spend in the store, the environment has improved a lot.

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Yeah. That guy was a complete douche. I have no idea what happened to him either, but he was definitely a Page Fiver.


I have to hold up a finger there: Page 5 has many flaws, but copping out of games and misrepresenting rules is not one of its paragraphs.

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Stephen Fry just said that 90% of the people who visit the Louvre go straight to the Mona Lisa, spend 3 minutes in front of it, and then directly leave the museum.


Faith in humanity... lost.


It's like I always say- rednecks are everywhere, even if they have a different name.

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Oh yes, we have been infiltrated by Russian agents, it seems.


One of my life goals was to spend a whole day in the Louvre. I lived under the illusion that that would give me the chance to see most of it. :rolleyes:

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