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And poor Dirial!  I play Malifaux every Tuesday as a general rule.


That's so unfair! I hope that a decent meta will develop in this area soon.


The topic is Yan Blow?


PD wants to try him again. The brave little guy.

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Noooooo!  Come back!!


And poor Dirial!  I play Malifaux every Tuesday as a general rule.



I have a gaming day on Tuesdays as well. I played malifaux last Saturday though. Yesterday we played Pulp city. Great game. Greater minis.

I have Games nights at the LGC on Wednesdays and Saturdays, plus the Mrs at home when she isn't on night shifts and sleeping

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There is a games night on a Wednesday and gaming Saturdays at my LGS too..though I can't usually do evenings and Saturdays are family time!  What little gaming comes my way is usually through friends and my brother.


Besides games nights at the club always tends to be MTG or Warmahordes......Meh

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I usually have a friday night gaming night. Depends what we are going to do per day though.


Sunday is going to be Malifaux Gaming Day in Den Bosch though :)


There is a games night on a Wednesday and gaming Saturdays at my LGS too..though I can't usually do evenings and Saturdays are family time!  What little gaming comes my way is usually through friends and my brother.


Besides games nights at the club always tends to be MTG or Warmahordes......Meh


Yuck. Beastmachine.

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I try to get games in with my brother when I see him, so once a month. My wife is more interested in painting at the moment, and eagerly awaiting new Gremlins. My "local" meta is about 2 hours away, so no more than once a month as well, and I'm going to miss the next opportunity due to my vacation.


That leaves the new guy with Schillster, and I cannot play Dita against a new guy....

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I usually have a friday night gaming night. Depends what we are going to do per day though.


Sunday is going to be Malifaux Gaming Day in Den Bosch though :)



Yuck. Beastmachine.

Nice Cathedral there, that exhausts my knowledge of s-Hertogenbosch

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