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I just need to learn to take decent photographs and I'll throw some of them up, painted to tabletop standard, I will be looking at improving them in the future (i.e figuring how to paint faces - previous armies have these hidden behind large beards)

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Oh good lord I have so many Miss Ery's I could probably just send you one.


I got some in the gen con tournament last year, and for helping out at gen con, and for buying stuff at gen con.  I think after we gave a few away we still had nine.

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Oh good lord I have so many Miss Ery's I could probably just send you one.


I got some in the gen con tournament last year, and for helping out at gen con, and for buying stuff at gen con.  I think after we gave a few away we still had nine.




So, could you send me one? Maybe I can send you dutch food in return? :D

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It's not that difficult - it's all in the ambient lighting. Again, my design education in college doesn't translate into anything I can make money from. Keep a bright light source at least 6-8 feet away, but shining unobstructed at the models. Keep the camera as still as possible, with the auto-focus source on the models, and use 400 ISO as a good average. Avoid using a flash. 

I own an old Samsung mobile phone, it is the only camera I own. I do want a camera at some point but keep spending money on Malifaux instead! :D

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You don't think I actually paid for 12,000 points of Chaos Marines, did you?! At least 7,000 pt of that was "donated" 

Sounds like how I came to collect Chaos Dwarfs, a series of Rage Quits in each new edition has lead to me owning a small fortress worth

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Oh how I love rage quits...


Back at the end of 3rd edition I had about 2500 pts worth of dwarfs..I have bought maybe like 2000pts worth since then.  The other 6000+pts have pretty much come from fellow gamers rage quitting at various times, or just not bothered any more, found a girl etc...



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Don't knock it, I have actually managed to get a girlfriend by being a good Samaritan.  I was walking back from a pub one night to a taxi rank when I overheard a girl saying she couldn't afford a taxi to get home and was looking at a two hour walk in the middle of winter.  I asked where she lived, found out it was towards my end of town and offered her to share my taxi, dropping her off on the way. 


She accepted (probably wouldn't do these days..this was the early 90's!) and we chatted for the whole 30 min journey.  We exchanged numbers.  She called me the next morning to say thank you, we met for coffee and ended up seeing each other for almost a year!

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