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My problem with Harry Potter and the magic was that the rules seemed to constantly change. It didn't feel like an expansion on them, but suddenly something would be different because if it wasn't the plot would break.


Yep. The Unforgiveable Curses were the second biggest plot hole. All the important things happening in England without any interest by the rest of the world was the biggest.

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For me, I will accept any crazy thing that's part of a setting, but once something throws me out of Willful Suspension of Disbelief, I rapidly lose interest. For books, it tends to be when they set up a rule and then the main character magically breaks it.


Unless there are other rules (laid out before) that allow to break it ;)


Heya Mik.

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Yeah, it's the timing of the rule arrangement that matters for me. If we find out ten to fifteen minutes in a movie that a rule was wrong, cool. If we find out afterwards, depends on how the rule broke. If we find out during and no one mentions anything beyond "how awesome are you!" Yeah, I'm out.

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Yeah, it's the timing of the rule arrangement that matters for me. If we find out ten to fifteen minutes in a movie that a rule was wrong, cool. If we find out afterwards, depends on how the rule broke. If we find out during and no one mentions anything beyond "how awesome are you!" Yeah, I'm out.


Godly interference :P


Unless gods are on the same level as Greek gods (i.e. filthy bastards (lit.) that make zFiend look like the nicest person on earth) I prefer them to kept out of the story in physical/support form.

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Night Angel had a good one of those where two characters, a master and a student, are trying to solve a problem. The master offers an idea that the student knows can't be done by what he's been taught. The master just grins and replies "Yeah, I lied." Which he did a lot to his student, at first out of paranoia and then later because he thought it was funny. So it actually worked.

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Night Angel had a good one of those where two characters, a master and a student, are trying to solve a problem. The master offers an idea that the student knows can't be done by what he's been taught. The master just grins and replies "Yeah, I lied." Which he did a lot to his student, at first out of paranoia and then later because he thought it was funny. So it actually worked.


Yeah, that is a good example. It fits within the world. It's not suprising that guy did lie, it is a bit annoying, but it isn't that grating, and you can accept it.

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Really?  Sweet!  I didn't keep up with white wolf past the first edition stuff.


Mage seemed pretty much unplayable.  Wraith was my favorite.


Well, I'm talking Mage: The Awakening. It was considered a nearly unplayable game, and then there was this great GM who posted his play reports online and told the most amazing stories with Mage. People loved it to bits. It's said he alone did more for the sales of Mage than any book of the line.


White Wolf went bankrupt, Onyx Path took over, and guess who they hired to lead the development of a second edition of Mage?

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Hi Vik, better day today?


(sorry if you don't like being called Vik. Let me know and I won't do it again!)


As long as you don't call me Vicki, i'm good.  ;)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>Edited to not be a debbie downer!<<<<<<<<<<<<

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