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The one thing that really irks me about them is the quote they always use..


"those foreigners are coming over here and taking our jobs".


I feel like shaking them whilst shouting.


"They are only coming in and getting these jobs because people like you who sit on your arse all day and scrounge off the system are not doing them.  if you got up off your backside and did the job, then there wouldn't be a job for one of the 'foreigners' to take!"

While drinking Tennants Super strength

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The one thing that really irks me about them is the quote they always use..


"those foreigners are coming over here and taking our jobs".


I feel like shaking them whilst shouting.


"They are only coming in and getting these jobs because people like you who sit on your arse all day and scrounge off the system are not doing them.  if you got up off your backside and did the job, then there wouldn't be a job for one of the 'foreigners' to take!"


heh true.


Our goverment tried to force benefit receivers to do certain jobs, but the iniative failed because those people did not want to do those jobs, and the job providers didn't want complaining people that didn't want to do their job and preferred foreigners that did the job. So yeah :P

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heh true.


Our goverment tried to force benefit receivers to do certain jobs, but the iniative failed because those people did not want to do those jobs, and the job providers didn't want complaining people that didn't want to do their job and preferred foreigners that did the job. So yeah :P

That sounds strangely similar to here

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Well that's what Finnish people do. How am I supposed to tell you that without actually saying how it is?


I don't think you are racist. It's culture of racism I don't like. Basically, read through he soap box again. I won't annoy you all by repeating the arguments.


The one thing that really irks me about them is the quote they always use..


"those foreigners are coming over here and taking our jobs".


I feel like shaking them whilst shouting.


"They are only coming in and getting these jobs because people like you who sit on your arse all day and scrounge off the system are not doing them.  if you got up off your backside and did the job, then there wouldn't be a job for one of the 'foreigners' to take!"



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@zFiend... not calling you racist, after all you are only repeating what a culture generalises, not personal opinion.


@ Dirial..can't see the jpeg....probably something crap at my end..filters and the like!


@ PD.... I am not overly a fan of magic in stories as such....well, not the wave your hands around and pretty lights type anyway!

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Not sure if I have seen/read this somewhere or not but what I'd like to see is a magic system something like this:


If you use it, it withers your soul / age, so if you wanna keep doing it you'd need to somehow gain some of that back, maybe like taking a life of another user or something like that.. It would kinda turn the magic into a dark twisted drug like substance and even the heroes wouldn't be that good in the end.. Kinda like an antihero story. :P 

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Not really magic as she is part supernatural, but in my Absolution Black stories (shameless plug), My lead female role Lydia is able to siphon life force from anything nearby to use for telekinetic purposes.  I haven't decided whether, in future stories, she develops other abilities as a result of this siphon...


It isn't without drawbacks for her though as it is gradually changing her into the Neverborn side of her being..her hair has already turned white and her eyes now have purple irises.

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Not sure if I have seen/read this somewhere or not but what I'd like to see is a magic system something like this:


If you use it, it withers your soul / age, so if you wanna keep doing it you'd need to somehow gain some of that back, maybe like taking a life of another user or something like that.. It would kinda turn the magic into a dark twisted drug like substance and even the heroes wouldn't be that good in the end.. Kinda like an antihero story. :P


Ah, I know this. Magic drains away the soul/life force, but some cheat and use other people's life force for it. Nifty.

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And why does buttered toast ALWAYS land on the floor butter side down?   Incredible.



There's more weight on that side? 


It's actually just the height of our tables. They only have time for half a spin. If tables were double the height, they'd always land on the other side.


Did you know that the probability that a cat will die from a fall increases until a certain height, and then decreases again? If you let it fall from over 7 m, the chances that it will survive go up again.

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Well, its abit convoluted, sort of a mutation from her mother's side.  her mother is a true Neverborn, a succubus.


They steal life force through seduction....Lydia has mutated this into draining life force to fuel her powers.  She isn't completely happy with this either... She accidentally killed her stepmother as a young child...

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