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Did you know that Hello was an exclamation of surprise, but Edison liked the word and tried to establish it as a greeting? He didn't succeed, but in America there was a vote for the best greeting when answering the phone. Hello won.



Well, maybe it's a cultural thing, but if you ask me a question, I would find it vastly impolite to not answer.



See, this is exactly what would happen if you had this conversation with me. In fact, it happens in this thread every morning. I had no idea I was being impolite at all! This is ridiculous!

If you are asked "How are you?" "How're you doing?" then it is a question so you are not being rude/impolite/have poor etiquette in your response, another accepted responce to "How do you do" is "Fine, and you?" as you have responded without forcing the other the enquire about your health.


Fuck this is complicated to explain to someone else lol

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See, this is exactly what would happen if you had this conversation with me. In fact, it happens in this thread every morning. I had no idea I was being impolite at all! This is ridiculous!

Stupid Edison...

I don't find it impolite at all, it's why I separate out my greeting from the question. Hence "morning, how goes everyone?"

I find the idea of a question as a greeting utterly stupid, especially since I actually do give a damn about the answer but my culture assumes I don't. >.>

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I literally never hear "How do you do?"  anymore.


Besides if someone came up to me and said that, I would probably answer with "How do I do what?"  but then I am a sarcastic git.


Its a throwback to the days of etiquette when obviously all Brits were gentlemen and ladies.  We now live in a society where this sort of stuff is not needed.  Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing I don't know! 


In my experience it is only the 'elder' generation who still use greetings like that, so I think you will be ok on the whole!

I'm going to reveal a lot about my upbringing here, but whenever I go to the Yacht club at home it is the traditional greeting 

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I know, you don't really do small talk do you?


I was in sales for ten years and everyone always hyped about this small talk and about its importance and I never took part in such nonsense and still did my job like a king. :P

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Sounds like zFriend. :D


I actually wasn't friends with zFiend in school. I would remember that.


Gladly in Finland we even barely ever say hello so this is not an issue here.. :D


That reminds me: I heard that while there was a Finnish translation for "I love you", but in practice it was never used. Any truth to that?

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@ Deluge,  ok..it does reveal some insight into your upbringing but don't worry , we won't judge!  ;)


I can imagine it is still very big into etiquette in societies like Yacht clubs etc..


I like being polite, but sometimes all this 'proper behaviour' stuff really gets on my nerves and makes me want to scream!

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@ Deluge,  ok..it does reveal some insight into your upbringing but don't worry , we won't judge!  ;)


I can imagine it is still very big into etiquette in societies like Yacht clubs etc..


I like being polite, but sometimes all this 'proper behaviour' stuff really gets on my nerves and makes me want to scream!

I find them extremely tedious and often end up buggering off somewhere quiet with a bottle of something expensive to sit quietly and drink and smoke without all the pomp

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I just learned that it was the 1930s when the term England stopped being an appropriate description of all of Britain, the UK, and even the whole British Empire. We still call all of that England.


Also, England means "narrow land" in German. Hah!

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Yeah, I guess you could say I hate class divides.  I try to treat everyone all the same regardless of background, but some people just make it so difficult.


As you said Deluge, in that situation I think I would be jumping in the water to escape!

The plus side there are never Chavs at the Yacht club! And the Brandy is so good

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@ Dirial..yes DO NOT CALL US ENGLAND!!!  ;)


And a Chav is basically a person who usually is on benefits yet somehow manages to find the money to dress in 'designer' labels such as Burberry, accompanied by traditionally tracksuit or jogging bottoms tucked into socks and usually a baseball cap.

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