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Oh, and will be posting the cards at lunchtime..will do it first class so should be with you soon!


Sweet thank you so much, if you need anything let me now and I'll return the favour!


I haven't read those. So how did they handle that?

To be honest I can't remember as I read them when they first came out and never really went back to the series, must have been nearly 10 years ago. All I remember is that there was a magical artefact that cut invisable window's into other worlds, or could have been the same world at a different time...

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Yeah, that's the stuff I have a hard time with, lol. Edit: world building I mean. Still, it's a good place to start since your characters will grow naturally from that setting. And from what I see, you're pretty good at it PD.

Oh, something that occurred to me that might be interesting for your idea is the idea of an intelligent race, but not one that is sentient. John Scalzi experimented with it in the Old Man's War setting with one of the alien species. No art, no emotion, no names, nothing like that. Every decision was based on logic with animal instinct at its root. The only emotion that they had, of a sort, was the desire to become "whole" and gain full consciousness, not the halfway version they had. Their name for themselves was the only word that was an abstract in their entire language and it meant "Lacking". It was really neat stuff.

That sounds like a good read

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Yeah, that's the stuff I have a hard time with, lol. Edit: world building I mean. Still, it's a good place to start since your characters will grow naturally from that setting. And from what I see, you're pretty good at it PD.

Oh, something that occurred to me that might be interesting for your idea is the idea of an intelligent race, but not one that is sentient. John Scalzi experimented with it in the Old Man's War setting with one of the alien species. No art, no emotion, no names, nothing like that. Every decision was based on logic with animal instinct at its root. The only emotion that they had, of a sort, was the desire to become "whole" and gain full consciousness, not the halfway version they had. Their name for themselves was the only word that was an abstract in their entire language and it meant "Lacking". It was really neat stuff.


That is interesting.


I am thinking of adding different sentient/intelligent species, but making them different somehow.

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The Subtle Knife?


Maybe... read it in German.


I haven't read those. So how did they handle that?


Ah yes, those weird books!


Started off ok, but then just went into those WTF moments...

@ PD, Badly in my opinion lol!


No, they are ok books but went in a direction I didn't like.  The knife was basically used to cut holes in the air where the veils between worlds was thin enough.  Then people could step through. And somehow seal it up behind them..


Yeah, there was a boy in the second book who found a knife that could cut holes into the world to step through to others. It's actually a really imaginative book, sort of like a counterpoint to Narnia. It's full of criticism of religion. I liked it a lot for the weird world-hopping and the neat ideas about God and what it would mean if he actually existed.


Yeah, that's the stuff I have a hard time with, lol. Edit: world building I mean. Still, it's a good place to start since your characters will grow naturally from that setting. And from what I see, you're pretty good at it PD.

Oh, something that occurred to me that might be interesting for your idea is the idea of an intelligent race, but not one that is sentient. John Scalzi experimented with it in the Old Man's War setting with one of the alien species. No art, no emotion, no names, nothing like that. Every decision was based on logic with animal instinct at its root. The only emotion that they had, of a sort, was the desire to become "whole" and gain full consciousness, not the halfway version they had. Their name for themselves was the only word that was an abstract in their entire language and it meant "Lacking". It was really neat stuff.


I'm a bit confused. Would they be not-sentient or without emotion? Because I feel that those two would cancel each other....

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I was a bit thinking of having travel linked to sleep/dreaming, requiring people to use some kind of magical substance and sleep in order to worldhop, but I feel this might be a bit too convulted.


Another way could be to do actual hopping, so people really jump between worlds.


Knife does sound kinda interesting.

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I was a bit thinking of having travel linked to sleep/dreaming, requiring people to use some kind of magical substance and sleep in order to worldhop, but I feel this might be a bit too convulted.


Another way could be to do actual hopping, so people really jump between worlds.


Knife does sound kinda interesting.

I like the sound of that, the dreaming/otherworldly experience

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The best way of world travel I ever read:


A well you have to jump into. In a certain depth, you have to do a flip to cross into another world. If you miss it, you fall to your death.


Now, where did I read that?


Also, I just learned that the English consider it bad form to answer the question "How do you do?". One has to ask back.



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The best way of world travel I ever read:


A well you have to jump into. In a certain depth, you have to do a flip to cross into another world. If you miss it, you fall to your death.


Now, where did I read that?


Also, I just learned that the English consider it bad form to answer the question "How do you do?". One has to ask back.




well jump is semi-interesting. But I don't think i will use it.


wait. Answering "How do you do?" is bad form? Why? *looks at Deluge and Abs*

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The best way of world travel I ever read:


A well you have to jump into. In a certain depth, you have to do a flip to cross into another world. If you miss it, you fall to your death.


Now, where did I read that?


Also, I just learned that the English consider it bad form to answer the question "How do you do?". One has to ask back.



It's also bad form to answer a question with a question so read from that what you will! Also remember that a Gentleman never unintentionally insults anyone!

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well jump is semi-interesting. But I don't think i will use it.


wait. Answering "How do you do?" is bad form? Why? *looks at Deluge and Abs*

Basically it's a polite form of Hello


An Archaic version of "What's Up"

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@ Deluge, really!!??


You must have been bored.


Ok, I guess its now you and Edonil on at me...  Did you like them though, criticism is always welcome!

Ah missed this, yeah I read them a couple of weeks back when I was looking for inspiration. I liked them although a few of them felt a little rushed, like the culmination of the Ressurectionist and I felt that Absolution Black's hatred/loathing for his father could have been explored and expanded a little further.

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But why ask what's up when you don't want to hear the answer?


Silly Brits.

It's like "nice weather we're having isn't it" its not an actual question more of a statement of a greeting as when spoken correctly there is no inflection at the end of the sentence which would make is sound like a question! 

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^This. Americans do it too and it's annoying. If you don't want to know the answer, say hello a different way. Like, I don't know... "Hello"?

The "Whats Up" was more of an American thing. It is considered good etiquette to enquire after the health of an acquaintance, but bad etiquette to reveal poor health or to drag out a conversation so for example a bad response would be


"How Do you Do?"

"Not too good"

"oh no what is wrong?"

"I have dreadful gout....


Just drags on, thankfully it's not done that much outside of specific classes/ situations

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I gather that it would mean only emotions instead.... at least with our brain.

Edit: stupid phone... Anyway, tracked down an exposition piece:

“The Obin were a created species; the Consu, a race so far advanced of ours that it was almost unfathomable, had found the Obin’s ancestors and used their technology to force intelligence on the poor bastards. The Obin indeed became intelligent; what they didn’t become was aware. Whatever process that allowed for consciousness—the sense of self—was entirely missing from the Obin. Individual Obin had no ego or personality; it was only as a group that the Obin were aware that they were lacking a thing all other intelligent species had. Whether the Consu accidentally or intentionally made the Obin nonconscious was a matter of debate, but given my own encounters with the Consu over the years, I suspect they were simply curious, and the Obin were just another experiment to them.”

Excerpt From: Scalzi, John. “The Last Colony.” iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.

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^This. Americans do it too and it's annoying. If you don't want to know the answer, say hello a different way. Like, I don't know... "Hello"?


Did you know that Hello was an exclamation of surprise, but Edison liked the word and tried to establish it as a greeting? He didn't succeed, but in America there was a vote for the best greeting when answering the phone. Hello won.


It's like "nice weather we're having isn't it" its not an actual question more of a statement of a greeting as when spoken correctly there is no inflection at the end of the sentence which would make is sound like a question! 


Well, maybe it's a cultural thing, but if you ask me a question, I would find it vastly impolite to not answer.


The "Whats Up" was more of an American thing. It is considered good etiquette to enquire after the health of an acquaintance, but bad etiquette to reveal poor health or to drag out a conversation so for example a bad response would be


"How Do you Do?"

"Not too good"

"oh no what is wrong?"

"I have dreadful gout....


Just drags on, thankfully it's not done that much outside of specific classes/ situations


See, this is exactly what would happen if you had this conversation with me. In fact, it happens in this thread every morning. I had no idea I was being impolite at all! This is ridiculous!

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I literally never hear "How do you do?"  anymore.


Besides if someone came up to me and said that, I would probably answer with "How do I do what?"  but then I am a sarcastic git.


Its a throwback to the days of etiquette when obviously all Brits were gentlemen and ladies.  We now live in a society where this sort of stuff is not needed.  Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing I don't know! 


In my experience it is only the 'elder' generation who still use greetings like that, so I think you will be ok on the whole!

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