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Fair to moderate, yourself?


Have you told the moderators? :D


finally got the muse wrangled and working on writing again, lol.


Ever read that story in Sandman with the muse? Brilliant story. It's in Dream Country I believe.

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It's just brilliant.


A poet catches a muse, and as she's more a concept than a real woman, he uses that as a justification to rape her. He gets the most brilliant ideas out of it and thus repeats his crime regularly. One day, she calls out to help to Oneiros, her old enemy and lover, for help. I won't spoiler you about what Oneiros does, but it's just a brilliant story.

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Morning Z.


Hmm, I had the idea to work in parallel worlds into my stories. Or rather, center them upon it. Basically, have a fantasy world where they discovered (through magic or something) that they can hop towards other worlds. Those worlds are similar to the "prime" world, but have a small (or big) change that makes them different. And for some reason, only the "prime" world has a sentient race.

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Morning Z.

Hmm, I had the idea to work in parallel worlds into my stories. Or rather, center them upon it. Basically, have a fantasy world where they discovered (through magic or something) that they can hop towards other worlds. Those worlds are similar to the "prime" world, but have a small (or big) change that makes them different. And for some reason, only the "prime" world has a sentient race.

Huh. That last is an intriguing twist to an old idea. I like it. So are the other world's all a variety of dead world, or just ones where nothing is sentient?

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Huh. That last is an intriguing twist to an old idea. I like it. So are the other world's all a variety of dead world, or just ones where nothing is sentient?


Not dead, just no civilizations. (maybe hunter gatherers that use worldhopping to hunt) Dead worlds are a variety, but there are also lush worlds, etc. 

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Morning Z.


Hmm, I had the idea to work in parallel worlds into my stories. Or rather, center them upon it. Basically, have a fantasy world where they discovered (through magic or something) that they can hop towards other worlds. Those worlds are similar to the "prime" world, but have a small (or big) change that makes them different. And for some reason, only the "prime" world has a sentient race.


Not dead, just no civilizations. (maybe hunter gatherers that use worldhopping to hunt) Dead worlds are a variety, but there are also lush worlds, etc. 

Sounds intriguing, ala John Carter

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Well, that did inspire me. But I intend to do it more with fantasy stuff :)


Also toying with the idea of pernament portals.

Sounds good, I can never get on that well with writing. I keep diving off into so many tangents that my writing becomes too difficult to follow

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Sounds good, I can never get on that well with writing. I keep diving off into so many tangents that my writing becomes too difficult to follow


I usually get in more with doing worldbuilding. Oh well.


Thinking on what easy and simple transport between worlds has on economy and civilzations and goverments, etc.

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Morning Z.


Hmm, I had the idea to work in parallel worlds into my stories. Or rather, center them upon it. Basically, have a fantasy world where they discovered (through magic or something) that they can hop towards other worlds. Those worlds are similar to the "prime" world, but have a small (or big) change that makes them different. And for some reason, only the "prime" world has a sentient race.


Sounds a bit like the magic knife in Dark Materials.

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I love writing, but I will admit that although I start out with a rough outline of the way it will go, I invariably change it completely as I write, introducing new sub plots and characters as I am type!


If you read any of my stuff you may get that feel, hope not though!


Link to my stuff is in my sig by the way for anyone interested...*subtle plug*

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I love writing, but I will admit that although I start out with a rough outline of the way it will go, I invariably change it completely as I write, introducing new sub plots and characters as I am type!


If you read any of my stuff you may get that feel, hope not though!


Link to my stuff is in my sig by the way for anyone interested...*subtle plug*

Read it all, chop chop with new installments

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Yeah, that's the stuff I have a hard time with, lol. Edit: world building I mean. Still, it's a good place to start since your characters will grow naturally from that setting. And from what I see, you're pretty good at it PD.

Oh, something that occurred to me that might be interesting for your idea is the idea of an intelligent race, but not one that is sentient. John Scalzi experimented with it in the Old Man's War setting with one of the alien species. No art, no emotion, no names, nothing like that. Every decision was based on logic with animal instinct at its root. The only emotion that they had, of a sort, was the desire to become "whole" and gain full consciousness, not the halfway version they had. Their name for themselves was the only word that was an abstract in their entire language and it meant "Lacking". It was really neat stuff.

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