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Marcus is his own faction ;)

You know thankfully 4,5 and 14 are my lucky numbers, so I have 4 Masters for each of the 5 factions I collect, thanks to dual faction masters this leads to 14 masters. I am a very happy Superstitious OCD collector! 

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I'd love people to stop using the term OCD for being perfectionists or superstitious.


Right, counselling. Later, guys!

To be honest it is the tip of a very large iceberg. When I eat certain food groups must correspond to certain numbers and not touch other food groups. Doors must be open and shut 4 times, I need to climb 14 stairs at a time. Hands must be washed 4 times, shoes tied 5 times etc.

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Sounds like I won't be driving through Lincoln, Nebraska any time soon..


You do know a LOT can happen in 20 seconds...well, it can at the speed I drive!




And I am not that compulsive that I have to have the same amount of masters in each faction, but I am pretty compulsive in that I like to get the associated minions etc to keep in theme, and then obviously if someone points out why a minion is good with that master..


It all adds up, doesn't it?


I think , not counting Wave 3 models, once I get all of the releases I want from the first two books my model collection will be about 320 models.


All grey, I hasten to add.  ;)

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Sounds like I won't be driving through Lincoln, Nebraska any time soon..


You do know a LOT can happen in 20 seconds...well, it can at the speed I drive!




And I am not that compulsive that I have to have the same amount of masters in each faction, but I am pretty compulsive in that I like to get the associated minions etc to keep in theme, and then obviously if someone points out why a minion is good with that master..


It all adds up, doesn't it?


I think , not counting Wave 3 models, once I get all of the releases I want from the first two books my model collection will be about 320 models.


All grey, I hasten to add.  ;)



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Deluge, that sounds horrible.. I mean I can get a bit obsessive over things (usually going back to check I have locked the front door a couple of times) but thankfully nothing much more than that.  It sounds like it really disrupts your everyday life. 

Some days it does, although I have developed some coping mechanisms of my own to cope with it. I have a desk organiser at work with coloured drawing pins so if things get bad I can empty them onto the desk and sort into compartments. I have a bowl full of coloured buttons at home to do the same with. Most of it is me telling myself that nothing bad is going to happen if i don't do it. When drunk or if I have smoked weed I can go one of two way, either I get over it completely or it kicks into high gear and I can't leave the toilet because I am compulsively washing and drying my hands

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hehe :)  I don't do it in heavy traffic.


But if I am driving along a straight stretch of road with no cars around me, I will close my eyes and count to twenty several times until the urge passes.  I have no idea why I do this.


I also am kind of obsessed with having things happen equally to both sides of me.  For example, if I scratch one arm, I scratch the other, or if I bump one hand against something, I bump the other one on purpose, etc.

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Oh I am considering the source..


And I have thought about it..you guys are all exhibiting strange personal quirks, yet I am not.  We all have a lot of things in common, but I have only one thing you lot don't.


An obsession with Taylor Swift.


Therefore, to cure your woes and live a quirk free life, join the church of Taylor ..it will save your soul!  ;)

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Its good for a casual game but I can see how it wont work for tournaments, which is a shame. Guess I'll have to focus more on Malifaux (shame eh?)


Kings of War won't work for tournaments?






As for profanity on TV- it's different now. Most cable only censors the f word and the c word these days. Of course, nudity and sex are still evil unless you're an extra paid channel like HBO. Insert usual puzzlement about sex and nudity being taboo on American TV, but death and mutilation being totally OK.


Nah, he's just an old, perverted creeper. I'm surprised THAT never came up in the rants... (does not mention the thread, lest it awaken)


Between him and Nicodem...


I know Levi is a confirmed perv, but I haven't seen anything to that effect for Nicodem in the fluff. You sure you don't mean Seamus? In my mind, Nico is pretty much non-sexual, or at least, he's ignoring that urge until he rules Malifaux.


I'm pretty sure if we all took mental and emotional inventory, we would all have our own lists of issues in here. I think that's why we stay lol


Personally: paranoid neurotic, anger management, borderline sociopath


I can't say, primarily because I am probably undiagnosed something. I feel that American culture these days is this twisted mess of individual rights and conformity (all the talk of "because FREEDOM" yet when people exercise that in a nonconformist way, they are condemned), so we're probably all at least a little bit sociopathic in behavior as a result.


And yes, the Marcus box is M2E. Buying all the Undead for Nico was rough enough- I don't know if I want to repeat that with Beasts ;)

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