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Well, I just got a call back from my surgeon's nurse, and she says that my pathology report isn't in, but I can "expect it by the end of the week"...


... which is what they told me LAST WEEK.


a;sdlghka;erkthq;eroi gtq:AJBHPI;ohaerg!!!!!!!

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Now I'm curious what you think I'm talking about, because I made a kind of in-joke: A trio of German mass murderers called the NSU (National Socialist Underground) has been caught some years ago, and it turned out that the legal prosecution had turned a blind eye to the public murders of dozens of immigrants all over Germany. Those police chiefs responsible couldn't be found or persecuted because all documents were mistakenly destroyed mere hours before the whole thing blew up. Mysterious.


My mistake... I was trying to be sarcastic, and it just didn't translate well to text.


Doesn't take away from how messed up that whole situation was though. It's things like these that turn me away from following politics, honestly.

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Well, I just got a call back from my surgeon's nurse, and she says that my pathology report isn't in, but I can "expect it by the end of the week"...


... which is what they told me LAST WEEK.


a;sdlghka;erkthq;eroi gtq:AJBHPI;ohaerg!!!!!!!





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Don't get me started on the medical industry ;)

Having been married to someone in that industry for a few years, I can vouch for that... Though it wasn't nearly as bad as others have experienced, some of my ex's patients were intolerable. The horror stories I'd hear were pretty bad, and the doctor she worked for vouched for every single one of them.

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Well, I just got a call back from my surgeon's nurse, and she says that my pathology report isn't in, but I can "expect it by the end of the week"...


... which is what they told me LAST WEEK.


a;sdlghka;erkthq;eroi gtq:AJBHPI;ohaerg!!!!!!!


Tomorrow's local paper in Lincoln, NE: "Area Woman Arrested For Rampaging With A Hammer."



Seriously though, that really sucks. The waiting is some of the worst part.

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We have that here too, but on a more personal level. An entire segment of the population that benefits from social welfare, but refuses to work, and still walk around with luxury items that I paid for in the first place with my taxes. But, you know... business as usual in government ;)


Then there are people who are like "you're poor- how DARE you own a cellphone? Especially a smartphone!!!!1!1!" Um, yeah, old person, cellphones are cheap now- sometimes cheaper than landlines. As for smartphones, they aren't that much more per month, and you pretty much have to have one if you want a job outside of the lowest tier of pay. People that scoff at poor folks with a cheap smartphone either own one or pay someone to manage their email and such for them.


I operate under the assumption that by the time I would be eligible to retire by American standards, that age will have increased from 65-67 to at least 70-72. 


The social systems in this country were never designed to accommodate a population of this size. We are still using the framework from last century. 


They are going to keep increasing the age until they just remove Social Security altogether. I've worked under the assumption that I'd never collect Social Security since the age of 16, because someone will find a way to kill it. We can have and afford it- the problem is as you said; the current system is bloated and slow. Hell, we had Windows XP based machines until the absolute end of security support for them here- which I am sure was extended solely because the government demanded it.


It sucks sometimes working for the government because there are people capable of doing things better and faster, but some clueless people at the very top don't understand how that could be (even though the fix of Healthcare.gov is a perfect example of getting more for a lot less money).


I am curious to see how some of these minimum guaranteed income experiments will turn out. It sounds like a way to reward people who don't want to work, but when you consider all of the bureaucratic garbage that we have just to run Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and so on, it might actually be cheaper- which is a scary thought...


The entire premise of Breaking Bad: American health care sucks.


You mean this?



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