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Lol, I decided to cut McMourning from my list of masters even though he has a Guild option...


I just needed to be ruthless and limit the amount of masters I have otherwise I will never get around to playing them all!  So I have cut it down to 20!  ;)

Who did you choose over McM out of interest?

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Look in my sig..those are the ones I am going with..


Based on all manner of pros and cons, but mainly aesthetics and cost!


Also depends on who plays what the most around me, McM of both sorts is quite popular...the filthy beggar.

Fair enough

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I don't bother to count my wife's Masters among my own. They are filthy Gremlins after all.

It's really Kirai that is tempting me at the moment


Yan Lo not so much with how I have seen him on the table (my only victory so far against the Mrs)

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